
[PI] Scan to PDF v3.2.0.6

** Scan to PDF

- Scan To PDF is a simple and efficient method of converting your paper based documents into PDFs.

- URL : http://www.scantopdf.co.uk/

[PI] East-Tec Eraser 2008 v8.8.1.100

** East-Tec Eraser 2008

- East-Tec Eraser 2008 protects your privacy, identity and confidential information and removes all evidence of your computer and online activity. Eraser exceeds U.S.Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information when erasing your Internet history,Web pages, pictures, unwanted cookies, chatroom conversations, confidential documents you want to get rid of or files deleted in the past.

- URL : http://www.east-tec.com/

[PI] Orion Network Performance Monitor SLX Edition v8.5.1 SP2

** Orion Network Performance Monitor SLX Edition

- The Orion Network Performance Monitor is a comprehensive web based faultmanagement, availability and bandwidth performance management applicationthat allows users to view the real-time statistics and availability oftheir network directly from the web browser. The Orion Network Performance Monitor application will monitor and collect data from routers, switches, servers, and any other SNMP enabled devices. Additionally, Orion monitorsCPU Load, Memory utilization, and available Disk Space. Orion NPM is highlyscalable managed availability application, capable of monitoring from 10 toover 10,000 nodes. New Integration of Orion with the Network Toolset meansyou can now launch your Engineer's Edition Tools directly from your WebPage with a simple "right click".

- URL : http://www.solarwinds.net/

[PI] Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer v2.2.1 SP1

** Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

- Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer provides a new level of visibility intonetwork traffic behavior and trends. By leveraging Cisco's NetFlow protocolto extract data from routers, NetFlow Traffic Analyzer provides an in-depthview into which users and applications are consuming the most bandwidth.

- NetFlow Traffic Analyzer converts that data into charts and tablesproviding network engineers with a easy way to identify and isolate thecause and source of network problems, as well as provide historicalperformance information to help plan for future growth. Pie charts show thedistribution of bandwidth across different types of traffic (e.g., HTTP,FTP, VoIP) and across different users. Line charts show the usage patternsover time. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer can also identify the source ofexternal traffic inbound to the corporate network.

- URL : http://www.solarwinds.com/

[PI] Network Supervisor v5.2.Incl.SP3

** Network Supervisor

- Com?Network Supervisor is an easy-to-use management application that graphically discovers, maps, and displays network links and IP devices, including 3Com NBX? telephones and some popular third-party products. It maps devices and connections so you can easily monitor stress levels, set hresholds and alerts, view network events, generate reports in user-defined formats, and launch device configuration tools. What's more, when your network changes, you can prompt 3Com Network Supervisor to regenerate the appropriate part of the map to ensure that you have current information. Automated operations, intelligent defaults, and the ability to detect network misconfigurations and offer optimization suggestions make this application ideal for network managers with all levels of experience.

- URL : http://www.3com.com/

[PI] Net.Transport.v2.54.0.390

** NetTransport

- NetTransport is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading tool, now supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS/SFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol), MMS(Microsoft Media Services), RTSP/PNM(Real-Time Streaming Protocol), BitTorrent, eMule. NetTransport also have flexible 'File Manager' to manage your downloaded files, powerful 'Site Explorer' to browse site directory structure and config site settings, 'URL Sniffer' to catch real streaming URL. An accessorial tool called 'FTP Transport' is a FTP client, allows you upload files to your FTP/SSH server.

- URL : http://www.net-xfer.com/


[PI] UltraISO Premium Edition v8.6.6.2180

** UltraISO Premium Edition

- UltraISO is an ISO CD/DVD image file creating/editing/converting tool and a bootable CD/DVD maker, it can directly edit the CD/DVD image file and extract files and folders from it, as well as directly make ISO files from your CD/DVD-ROM or hard disk. At the same time, you can maintain the ISO bootable information, thus creating your own bootable CD/DVDs. You now have the power to make and edit your own ISO files, and then burn them to CD/DVD for your own needs.

- UltraISO is in sole possession of the intellectualized ISO document format analyzer, it can process at the present time almost all types of image files, including ISO and BIN, it may even support new image files which are yet to be created. UltraISO can open these image files, directly extract files and folders, edit it and convert other image files to the standard ISO format.

- UltraISO uses the double window unification user contact interface, you have the choice to only use the quick buttons and/or the mouse Drag & Drops, you can handle any CD/DVD image file easily.

[PI] Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite v9.1.1050d

** Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite

- Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE) consisting of hundreds of powerful XML tools in one all-inclusive suite, and high-performance Java components for deploying data integration applications. Stylus Studio 2008 adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Stylus Studio as the premier XML IDE. Stylus Studio's best-in-class features for working with XML, XQuery, XML Pipeline, XSLT, XSL:FO, EDI, XML Schema/DTD, XPath, SQL/XML, XHTML, XML mapping, XML publishing, Web services set a new benchmark for XML productivity.

[PI] Smart Install Maker v5.01

** Smart Install Maker

- There are free installers out there, but are they worth their zero price tag? Spartan user interfaces force you to learn scripting languages in order to create abasic install. Are several hours of wasted time worth the monetary savings?

- Even if you have never dealt with installation programs before, Smart Install Makercan be used immediately with no learning curve involved. An intuitive graphical userinterface will guide you through the entire process. All you need to know to get startedis your product and its name. Simply type the information such as the product name,installation path and your company name, and select the files that should be installed.Then, click Build, and Smart Install Maker does the rest.

- Smart Install Maker allows making completely customizable installations, giving you fullcontrol on how, when and what is installed. Advanced compression algorithms and verylittle overhead make it possible to create the smallest installations that are easy todownload. Full un-install control is automatically included.

- Customize every system requirement as desired, from operating system version to end-userrequired privilege level, specify interactive or silent installation, gain access toregistry keys and INI files, execute custom commands or pass values via installervariables - all that and so much more is not only possible, but easily usable withSmart Install Maker!

- URL : http://www.sminstall.com/


[PI] Sothink Tree Menu 2.30.71012

** Sothink Tree Menu

- Sothink Tree Menu is the most powerful and easy-to-use JavaScript tree menu builder in the world. It is a family member of Sothink DHTML menu products. Both of them use the same user-friendly interface, which nearly all the other competitors of Sothink Tree Menu cannot beat.

- It creates search-engine-friendly DHTML menu trees with full cross browser support in a matter of minutes, without writing a single line of code.

- Our exclusive free Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Expression Web and Adobe GoLive extensions help you quickly design your tree menu and integrate it with your existing web site.

- URL : http://sothink.com/

[PI] Sisulizer v1.6.15 Enterprise Edition Multilanguage

** Sisulizer v1.6.15 Enterprise Edition Multilanguage

- Sisulizer is the next generation in software localization.
Localize Your Software & Increase Your Revenue. When you localize your applications and make them available in new languages, you open new markets and new revenue streams. Sisulizer lets you increase profits by making it easy to offer your software in multiple languages.

- URL : http://www.sisulizer.com

[PI] RimArts Dana Text Editor v1.15.04

** RimArts Dana Text Editor

- Dana is a cool and highly-functional professional text editor for Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Dana has numerous features and functions that sets it apart from all other text editors you will ever come across. Dana is designed to offer all the features that you want and expect in a text editor with simplicity and ease of use. Plus, you can take Dana above and beyond text editing through extensive customization and with full macro scripting capabilities. See the list of features below then test drive the fully functional shareware release of Dana and experience the difference!

- URL : http://www.rimarts.co.jp

[PI] PGI Server Complete v7.14

** PGI Server Complete

- PGI?Server Complete is PGI's flagship scientific and engineering server compiler and tool bundle for multi-user systems and workgroups. PGI Server Complete includes multi-user network floating licenses for all of the PGI compilers, for PGDBG?OpenMP parallel graphical debugger and for PGPROF?OpenMP parallel graphical performance profiler.

- URL : http://www.pgroup.com/

[term] PGI term

** PGI term

a 64-bit processor from AMD, designed to be binary compatible with IA32 processors, and incorporatingnew features such as additional registers and 64-bit addressing support for improved performance andgreatly increased memory range.

the Quad-Core AMD Opteron(TM) Processor, that is, Opteron Rev x10

a dynamic linked library on Win32 or Win64 platforms of the form xxx.dll containing objects that aredynamically linked into a program at the time of execution.

the compiler driver controls the compiler, linker, and assembler, and adds objects and libraries to createan executable. The -dryrun option illustrates operation of the driver. pgf77, pgf95, pghpf, pgcc, pgCC(Linux), and pgcpp are drivers for the PGI compilers. A pgf90 driver is retained for compatibility withexisting makefiles, even though pgf90 and pgf95 drivers are identical.

Dual-, Quad-, or Multi-core - some x64 CPUs incorporate two or four complete processor cores(functional units, registers, level 1 cache, level 2 cache, etc) on a single silicon die. These are referred toas Dual-core or Quad-core (in general, Multi-core) processors. For purposes of OpenMP or auto-parallelthreads, or MPI process parallelism, these cores function as distinct processors. However, the processingcores are on a single chip occupying a single socket on the system motherboard. In PGI 7.1, there are nolonger software licensing limits on OpenMP threads for Multi-core.

a 64-bit IA32 processor with Extended Memory 64-bit Technology extensions that are binary compatiblewith AMD64 processors. This includes Intel Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and Intel Core 2 processors.

hyperthreading (HT)
some IA32 CPUs incorporate extra registers that allow 2 threads to run on a single CPU with improvedperformance for some tasks. This is called hyperthreading and abbreviated HT. Some linux86 andlinux86-64 environments treat IA32 CPUs with HT as though there were a 2nd pseudo CPU, even thoughthere is only one physical CPU. Unless the Linux kernel is hyperthread-aware, the second thread of anOpenMP program will be assigned to the pseudo CPU, rather than a real second physical processor (if oneexists in the system). OpenMP Programs can run very slowly if the second thread is not properly assigned.

an Intel Architecture 32-bit processor, designed to be binary compatible with x86 processors, andincorporating new features such as streaming SIMD extensions (SSE) for improved performance.

Large Arrays
arrays with aggregate size larger than 2GB, which require 64-bit index arithmetic for accesses to elementsof arrays. If -Mlarge_arrays is specified and -mcmodel=medium is not specified, the default small memorymodel is used, and all index arithmetic is performed in 64-bits. This can be a useful mode of executionfor certain existing 64-bit applications that use the small memory model but allocate and manage a singlecontiguous data space larger than 2GB.

32-bit Linux operating system running on an x86 or x64 processor-based system, with 32-bit GNU tools,utilities and libraries used by the PGI compilers to assemble and link for 32-bit execution.

64-bit Linux operating system running on an x64 processor-based system, with 64-bit and 32-bit GNUtools, utilities and libraries used by the PGI compilers to assemble and link for execution in either linux86or linux86-64 environments. The 32-bit development tools and execution environment under linux86-64are considered a cross development environment for x86 processor-based applications.

collectively, all osx86 and osx86-64 platforms supported by the PGI compilers.

A type of multi-processor system architecture in which the memory latency from a given processor to agiven portion of memory can vary, resulting in the possibility for compiler or programming optimizationsto ensure frequently accessed data is "close" to a given processor as determined by memory latency.

32-bit Apple Mac OS Operating Systems running on an x86 Core 2 or Core 2 Duo processor-based systemwith the 32-bit Apple and GNU tools, utilities, and libraries used by the PGI compilers to assemble and linkfor 32-bit execution. The PGI Workstation preview supports Mac OS 10.4.9 only.

64-bit Apple Mac OS Operating Systems running on an x64 Core 2 Duo processor-based system with the64-bit and 32-bit Apple and GNU tools, utilities, and libraries used by the PGI compilers to assemble andlink for either 64- or 32-bit execution. The PGI Workstation preview supports Mac OS 10.4.9 only.

Windows Services for Unix, a 32-bit-only predecessor of SUA, the Subsystem for Unix Applications. SeeSUA.

Shared library
a Linux library of the form libxxx.so containing objects that are dynamically linked into a program at thetime of execution.

collectively, all SSE extensions supported by the PGI compilers.

32-bit IEEE 754 FPU and associated streaming SIMD extensions (SSE) instructions on Pentium III,AthlonXP* and later 32-bit x86, AMD64 and EM64T compatible CPUs, enabling scalar and packed vectorarithmetic on single-precision floating-point data.

64-bit IEEE 754 FPU and associated SSE instructions on P4/Xeon and later 32-bit x86, AMD64 and EM64Tcompatible CPUs. SSE2 enables scalar and packed vector arithmetic on double-precision floating-pointdata.

additional 32-bit and 64-bit SSE instructions to enable more efficient support of arithmetic on complexfloating-point data on 32-bit x86, AMD64 and EM64T compatible CPUs with so-called Prescott NewInstructions (PNI), such as Intel IA32 processors with EM64T extensions and newer generation (RevisionE and beyond) AMD64 processors.

A and ABMAMD Instruction Set enhancements for the Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor. Support for theseinstructions is enabled by the -tp barcelona or -tp barcelona-64 switch.

an extension of the SSE3 instruction set found on the Intel Core 2.

Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA) is source-compatibility subsystem for compiling andrunning custom UNIX-based applications on a computer running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows server-classoperating system. It provides an operating system for Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)processes. SUA supports a package of support utilities (including shells and >300 Unix commands),case-sensitive file names, and job control. The subsystem installs separately from the Windows kernel tosupport UNIX functionality without any emulation.

any of the 32-bit Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (XP/2000/Server 2003) running on an x86 or x64processor-based system. On these targets, the PGI compiler products include all of the tools and librariesneeded to build executables for 32-bit Windows systems.

any of the 64-bit Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (XP Professional /Windows Server 2003 x64Editions) running on an x64 processor-based system. On these targets, the PGI compiler products includeall of the tools and libraries needed to build executables for 32-bit Windows systems.

collectively, all Win32 and Win64 platforms supported by the PGI compilers.

collectively, all AMD64 and EM64T processors supported by the PGI compilers.

a processor designed to be binary compatible with i386/i486 and previous generation processors fromIntel* Corporation. Refers collectively to such processors up to and including 32-bit variants.

- 80-bit IEEE stack-based floating-point unit (FPU) and associated instructions on x86-compatible CPUs.

[PI] PerpetualBudget System v4.5.38

** PerpetualBudget System

- PerpetualBudget is a distributed budgeting application for small-to-medium companies and organizations. It features Budget Builder, a graphical tool for constructing and maintaining budgets. PerpetualBudget demonstrates the use of "linkless" worksheet templates for remote updating of the budget data from the User Group. The program works seamlessly in the Microsoft Office environment utilizing Excel, Access and Windows to deliver a configurable product for any desktop environment.



- DL is the ideal software for data analysis, visualization, and cross-platform application development. IDL combines all of the tools you need for any type of project, from "quick-look," interactive analysis and display to large-scale commercial programming projects. Thousands of technical professionals use IDL every day to rapidly develop algorithms, interfaces, and powerful visualizations and quickly crunch through large numerical problems.From data to solutions - get there faster with IDL.

- URL : http://www.ittvis.com/

[PI] Dundas Chart for SharePoint v1.5.0.2

** Dundas Chart for SharePoint

- Dundas Chart for SharePoint is a must-have for those looking to addadvanced charting functionality to SharePoint 2007 projects. Based onDundas Chart for ASP.NET v6.0 technology and optimized for SharePoint, theproduct provides wide-ranging features and is backed up by Dundas'outstanding technical support. Dundas Chart for SharePoint is also offeredin two editions: MOSS 2007 and Windows SharePoint Server (both are part ofthe retail and evaluation installation).

- Regardless of whether you are implementing charting for internal projectsor building data visualization applications for clients, Dundas Chart forSharePoint lets you create superior visualizations from your data withouthaving to use Visual Studio!

- URL : http://www.dundas.com

[PI] InstallAware Studio Admin v7.5

** InstallAware Studio Admin

- Setup Authoring Automation for Windows Installer:InstallAware provides an automation interface to programmaticallygenerate and build complete setup projects. You can emit setup scriptsfrom your own programs and even web pages, and then later build thesesetups. Author your own setup development front-ends, or toolkits forbuilding custom versions of your software.

- Repackaging and Upgrades:For systems administrators facing complex deployment tasks, InstallAwareoffers a repackaging route that avoids the complexity and hassles innatein setup re-engineering: shelling to Windows Installer! Simply executeany MSI setup and install/re-install/upgrade/remove it. Detect installedproducts on the system and automatically upgrade older versions ofproducts, all as part of the same unified setup.

- Advanced Setup Commands:InstallAware Studio provides the advanced scripting functionality thatcomplex software installations demand. Install services, ODBC drivers,configure DSNs, detect IIS versions and folders, terminate runningprograms, setup Internet Explorer, the Java virtual machine, and more.

- URL : http://www.installaware.com/studio-features.htm

[PI] CopyWiz 2.0

** CopyWiz

- CopyWiz, the Visual Studio Project Copy Wizard, provides simple duplication and renaming of Microsoft Visual Studio projects. Rather than laboring to create a template project or wizard from an existing project (which will quickly become outdated anyway), use CopyWiz to copy the newest version of an existing project.

- URL : http://www.kinook.com/

[PI] Blumentals HTMLPad 2007 Pro v8.3.0.80

** Blumentals HTMLPad 2007 Pro

- HTMLPad is a sophisticated all-in-one HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XHTML editor, trusted by thousands of professional web developers and learners in over 50 countries. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner. Built-in CSS editor enables you to easily create and edit cascading style sheets of any size and complexity. Built-in JavaScript editor makes it easy to handle JavaScript.

- URL : http://www.blumentals.net/

[PI] BestAddress HTML Editor 2008 Professional v11.0.3

** BestAddress HTML Editor 2008 Professional

- Design, upload and maintain your website with thismulti-award-winning Web development application with dual-modevisual (also known as WYSIWYG) and code-based (HTML, CSS and PHP)editing functionality.

- Winner of Over 20 Awards and RatingsWith a huge range of easy touse functions, tutorials for beginners, free updates, integratedtechnical support contact capabilities and a dedicated CustomerBenefits program - its no surprise why the Best Address HTMLEditor is fast becoming the number one choice in websitedevelopment and HTML editing for both beginners and expertsalike.

- URL : http://www.mmaus.com/bestaddress.html


[PI] RootCause v2.1

** RootCause

- RootCause is a powerful and flexible tool for instrumenting software applications in the post-development environment. With RootCause, you can pinpoint performance bottlenecks, track down memory leaks, and resolve bugs in complex software applications faster.

- When you can't use development tools because their overhead is too high, try RootCause. RootCause is highly non-invasive, perfect for resolving problems that are discovered during integration or after the application has been deployed.

[PI] Net.Transport.v2.54.0.390.UNICODE.

** NetTransport

- NetTransport is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading tool, now supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS/SFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol), MMS(Microsoft Media Services), RTSP/PNM(Real-Time Streaming Protocol), BitTorrent, eMule. NetTransport also have flexible 'File Manager' to manage your downloaded files, powerful 'Site Explorer' to browse site directory structure and config site settings, 'URL Sniffer' to catch real streaming URL. An accessorial tool called 'FTP Transport' is a FTP client, allows you upload files to your FTP/SSH server.

- URL : http://www.net-xfer.com/

[PI] Indraworks v7.04

** Indraworks

- IndraWorks - One tool for all Solutions Rexroth IndraWorks Integrated framework engineering Rexroth IndraWorks allows you to solve all tasks in a uniform and intuitive software environment ?from project planning and programming to visualization and diagnostics. The uniform engineering framework IndraWorks is consistently available for all systems from the Rexroth Automation House. You, as user, profit from the fast and transparent access to all functions and system data of the automation components. The standardized tools and interfaces help you to solve all engineering tasks centrally with a single software.


[PI] Error Repair Professional v3.7.6

** Error Repair Professional

- Keep your PC operating smoothly by using Error Repair Professional to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your PC with a single click, With a few easy steps, it will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found. You can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all.

- URL : http://www.error-repair-pro.com/

[PI] CyberScrub Privacy Suite v4.7.2.100

** CyberScrub Privacy Suite

- Protect Your Internet Privacy Few realize every picture, video clip, chat room conversation and website address is written to your hard drive.

- Privacy Suite protects you by removing all evidence of your online activity. "Deleted" Files Remain on Your Computer Deleted files are easily recovered using simple software tools. Sensitive data, such as passwords, financials or health records are at risk. Don't allow discovery by a snoop, computer technician or unauthorized persons.

- Privacy Suite allows you to erase and destroy data with methods that exceed the US Department of Defense standards for file secure erasure (DoD 5220.22).

- URL : http://www.cyberscrub.com/

[PI] Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro v4.0.1025.7828

** Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro

- Outpost Firewall Pro - world's foremost protection application, providing a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration. The firewall provides Security, Control, Privacy and Ease of Use. Outpost Firewall starts protecting as soon as it is installed.

- The program detects and blocks hacker attacks, guards the privacy of data stored on your computer, monitors network activity of your system and applications, provides secure web surfing, and prevents Internet worms from activating from your inbox.

- Outpost can place your computer into stealth mode, making it invisible to hackers. In addition, the program can remove annoying pop-ups and ads and increase connection times. To ensure your protection against new threats, Outpost updates information frequently through a custom utility.

[PI] Fix-It Utilities v8.0 Professional

** Fix-It Utilities v8.0 Professional

- Is your PC slowing down, crashing or simply not booting? Fix-It Utilties will restoreyour PC back to its former health. Get speed, power & performance from your computerwith over 40 maintenance and optimization tools. Defend your PC with integrated anti-virus and anti-spyware tools. Fix-It Utilities findsand prevents problems before they happen and provides easy, schedule maintenance tokeep your PC running like new!

- URL : http://www.v-com.com/

[PI] MonitorIT v8.0.34 (c) Breakout Technologies

** MonitorIT v8.0.34 (c) Breakout Technologies

- MonitorIT from Breakout Software is a cost-effective, easy to use Web-based solution that monitors the availability, health and performance of your Windows & Linux/Unix Servers, Workstations and Syslog & SNMP monitoring of your Network Infrastructure Devices, such as Firewalls, Routers and Switches, on IP-based networks.

- MonitorIT provides a rich set of monitoring features. Monitor all your Windows Event Logs in real-time, as well as Windows Services, Processes, Files, Performance Counters, including Processor, Memory, and Network. Monitor Logical Drive and Page File free space, and define and schedule your own custom monitoring checks. Monitor changes to hardware configuration and changes to selected Registry Keys/Values; and monitor for server reboots & restarts. And MonitorIT provides flexible Alert notification options, dynamic Graphing, and powerful Reporting.

[PI] Advanced Administrative Tools v5.92 1610

** Advanced Administrative Tools

- Have you been port scanned lately? Completely ignoring network security is not smart and ignorance isn't exactly bliss. If you access the Internet via a cable modem, DSL, or even a dial-up connection, someone is always knocking on your virtual front door, giving your system the once-over. Protect your data, privacy and valuable computer system with Advanced Administrative Tools.

- AATools is an essential security diagnostic tool for everyone who wishes to protect his computer and the data it contains.

- URL : http://www.glocksoft.com/

[PI] Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom Professional v2.6.7 (c) EduiQ.com

** Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom Professional

- Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to the network. This way you can observe what your kids are doing! To be able to view a computer monitor of the remote computer, the program Net Objective, which you receive with the program Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom, must be installed and running on this particular remote computer.

- The program can be used on networks that use the TCP/IP network protocol.

- Immediately after the program Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom is started, it checks if the program Net Objective connected to a teacher's computer, is running on any of the remote computers. After that, the program displays the windows of all remote computers, where with time (depending on the adjustments) the picture appears, which is displayed on the monitor of the remote computer. You can switch off or restart all remote computers from your computer. This saves you the precious time!

- URL : http://www.eduiq.com/