
[IE] IE Set Up Home Page 의미

** IE Set Up Home Page 의미

- Use Current : Sets whatever page is currently displayed in the browser window as your home page.

- Use Default : This setting sends you to the MSN Web page.

- Use Blank : If you’re a minimalist, this setting is for you. No Web page displays, just a blank area.


issue 2008

*** 2009. 09.05

** 통신요금 미환급금 조회 서비스

- URL : http://www.ktoa-refund.kr/

*** 2009. 07. 08

** 악성 봇 감염 확인

- URL : http://www.boho.or.kr/pccheck/pcch_03.jsp?page_id=3

*** 2008. 09. 29

** 명의 도용 방지 서비스

- M-Safer : 본인명의로 이동전화가 신규 개통된 사실을 SMS(문자메시지)로 알려주며 인터넷으로 명의도용 여부를 확인, 이동전화 불법개통에 의한 피해를 차단하는 무료서비스.

- 명의도용방지 신청을 하면 이동전화 신규가입 시 문자메시지(SMS)로 기 개통된 이용자 명의의 휴대폰으로 ‘고객님 명의로 휴대폰이 개통되었습니다.’ 는 내용을 문자메시지를 통하여 알려주게 되며, e-mail로 개통사실을 알려주게 된다.

- 기존의 휴대폰 이용자 및 휴대폰을 사용하지 않는 사람도 M-Safer에서 무료로 제공하는 휴대폰가입현황 조회 서비스를 이용하면, 자신의 휴대폰 개통 사실을 확인함으로써 명의가 도용당하고 있는지 여부를 확인할 수 있다.

- 휴대폰 안심서비스 : 현재 모든 이동통신사에서 본인명의로 가입되어 있는 휴대폰 현황을 알려주며, 아울러 본인명의 휴대폰 개통시 개통사실에 대해 E-mail 서비스로 안내를 받아 명의도용을 사전에 예방하는 서비스

- URL : http://www.msafer.or.kr/

*** 2008. 09. 24

** 개인 정보 클린 캠페인

- 방송통신위원회와 한국정보보호진흥원은 장기간 사용하지 않았거나 본인이 직접 가입하지 않은 것으로 의심되는 웹사이트 계정에 대하여 안전하고 간편하게 탈퇴 할 수 있는 서비스를 제공하여 인터넷상에 불필요한 개인정보가 노출되는 것을 예방하고자 2008년 09월 24일 부터 한 달간 캠페인을 실시한다고 하네요. ^ ^

- 이용 방법

1. http://p-clean.kisa.or.kr/ (p-clean.kisa.or.kr) 접속

2. i-PIN을 이용해 참여자 본인 여부 확인 (i-PIN 없는 참여자는 캠페인 메인페이지에서 발급 가능)

3. 본인 확인을 인증받고, 과거에 가입했던 웹사이트 목록 열람

4. 탈퇴를 원하는 웹사이트 선택 탈퇴 신청

5. KISA에서 해당 웹사이트에 탈퇴처리 요청 및 처리결과 메일 발송

p.s) 탈퇴 신청 후 처리 결과 확인까지는 약 4주 정도 소요 예상.

- URL : http://p-clean.kisa.or.kr/

windows XP 부팅 순서

** windows XP 부팅 순서

1. The system is powered up, the video is initialized, and the hardware self-tests are performed. The BIOS performs these tests, which are called POSTs (power-on self tests). Usually, the memory test is the most visible one; its progress is shown on most computer screens.

2. After running POST, the system initializes each adapter. If the adapter has its own built-in BIOS, the adapter's BIOS is called to perform its own initialization. For IDE adapters (most computers have either two or four IDE adapters), each connected drive(there may be up to two drives for each IDE adapter, allowing for a total maximum of eight IDE type drives) is queried for its specifications and access method.

Some adapters, such as Adaptec's SCSI adapters, display messages and allow the user to interact. Some adapters that don't have a BIOS aren't initialized until Windows XP loads their drivers much later in the boot-up process.

3. After all the adapters that have a BIOS have been initialized, the system boot loader reads in the sector located at the very beginning of the first bootable disk drive and passes commands to this code. This sector is called the boot sector, or the MBR(Master Boot Record), and it is written by the operating system when the operating system is installed.

4. The code in the MBR then loads the NTLDR file. (This file has no extension, thoughit is an executable file.) Once loaded, the MBR passes control to the code in NTLDR.

5. NTLDR then switches into 32-bit mode. (Remember, an Intel x86 processor always boots into 16-bit real mode.) It then loads a special copy of the necessary file systemI/O files and reads in the file boot.ini.

6. The file boot.ini has information about each operating system that can be loaded. Remember, Windows XP supports multiboot configurations. It is trivial to create a Windows XP installation that can boot Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows 95 or Windows 98. The boot loader can even boot two different copies of Windows XP with either the same or different version numbers. NTLDR then processes boot.ini, displaying boot information that allows the user to select which operating system will be loaded. At this point, let's assume that Windows XP will be loaded.

7. When you select Windows XP to be loaded, NTLDR loads the file ntdetect.com. This program then collects information about the currently installed hardware and saves this information for the registry. Most of this information is stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.

8. Once NTDETECT has detected the hardware, control is passed back to NTLDR, and the boot process continues. At this point, the registry has been substantially updated with the current hardware configuration, which is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware.

9. The prompt to select the configuration is then presented. This prompt, "Press spacebar now to invoke Hardware Profile/Last Known Good menu," allows you to force Windows XP to use a specific configuration as stored in the registry hiveHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

10. Following the detection of NTDETECT, NTLDR loads and initializes the Windows NT kernel, loads the services, and then starts Windows.

11. When the kernel is loaded, the HAL is also loaded. (The HAL—Hardware Abstraction Layer—is used to manage hardware services.) Next, the registry system subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\_System is loaded into memory. Windows XP scans the registry for all drivers with a start value of zero. This includes those drivers that should be loaded and initialized at boot time.

12. You can see the beginning of the next stage, kernel initialization. The screen switches to a blue background, and you see a message about the Windows XP build number and the number of system processors. Again, the system scans the registry and finds all drivers that must be started at the kernel initialization stage.

13. From this point, Windows XP starts various components and systems. Each component and system reads the registry and performs various tasks and functions. In the final stage, the program that manages the user logon, WinLogon, starts. WinLogon allows the user to log on and use Windows XP.