
[xp] Class ID(CLSID) for desktop objects

** Class ID(CLSID) for desktop objects

- My Computer {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

- Recycle Bin {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

- Microsoft Outlook {00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

- Internet Explorer {FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}

- The Internet {3DC7A020-0ACD-11CF-A9BB-00AA004AE837}

- My Network Places {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}

- Briefcase {85BBD920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D}

- Dial-Up Networking {992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD010CCC48}

[xp] regedit - Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock 설정

** regedit - Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock 설정

HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard


default 값은 0

0 Turns off Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock
1 Turns on Caps Lock
2 Turns on Num Lock
3 Turns on Caps Lock and Num Lock
4 Turns on Scroll Lock
5 Turns on Caps Lock and Scroll Lock
6 Turns on Num Lock and Scroll Lock
7 Turns on Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock


[xp] defrag

** defrag

* 사용법 : defrag <볼륨> [-a] [-f] [-v] [-?]

볼륨 : 드라이브 문자 또는 탑재 지점(d: 또는 d:\vol\mountpoint)

-a : 분석 작업만 실행

-f : 빈 공간이 적은 경우에도 조각 모음 실행

-v : 자세한 정보 출력

-? : 도움말 텍스트 표시

[xp] MFT and paging file setting

** MFT and paging file setting

1. Install the minimal operating system from scratch. Do not perform an update from a previous Windows version.

2. Create the volume(s) directly with the NTFS format and do not convert.

3. If you have more than one volume available, create the temporary paging file on the nonbootable volume and set the paging file on the bootable volume to zero.

4. Reboot the system.

5. Add the NtfsMftZoneReservation HKEY to the Registry with value 3.

6. Reboot the system.

7. Create the paging file on the bootable volume with an large initial size.

8. Reboot the system.

9. Run Disk Cleanup (see the next section).

10. Run Disk Defragmenter.

11. Install the rest of the software (operating system and applications).

12. Run Disk Defragmenter.


[xp] FAT vs NTFS

** FAT vs NTFS

* FAT 32

- Minimum volume size : 512MB is recommended

- Maximum volume size : 2TB

- File size limitations : 4GB maximum file size

- Floppy disk use : Can be used on floppy disks


- Minimum volume size : Microsoft recommends a minimum of 10MB

- Maximum volume size : 2TB optimally, but larger sizes possible

- File size limitations : Size limited by size of volume

- Floppy disk use : Cannot be used on floppy disks

* NTFS의 특징

- Encrypting File System

- File and folder level security

- File compression (native)

- Disk quotas (mainly on server volumes)


[xp] - Control Panel Applet Filenames (cpl)

** Control Panel Applet Filenames (cpl)

- 위치 C:\WINDOWS\system32

- Accessibility Wizard --- Access.cpl

- Add/Remove Programs --- Appwiz.cpl

- Display --- Desk.cpl

- Internet Settings --- Inetcpl.cpl

- Regional & Language Options --- Intl.cpl

- Gaming Options --- Joy.cpl

- Mouse --- Main.cpl

- Sounds & Audio Options --- Mmsys.cpl

- Network Connections --- Ncpa.cpl

- Administrative Tools\Data Sources (ODBC) ---- Odbccp32.cpl

- Power Options --- Powercfg.cpl

- System --- Sysdm.cpl

- Phone & Modem Options --- Telephon.cpl

- Date & Time --- Timedate.cpl


[IE] IE Set Up Home Page 의미

** IE Set Up Home Page 의미

- Use Current : Sets whatever page is currently displayed in the browser window as your home page.

- Use Default : This setting sends you to the MSN Web page.

- Use Blank : If you’re a minimalist, this setting is for you. No Web page displays, just a blank area.


issue 2008

*** 2009. 09.05

** 통신요금 미환급금 조회 서비스

- URL : http://www.ktoa-refund.kr/

*** 2009. 07. 08

** 악성 봇 감염 확인

- URL : http://www.boho.or.kr/pccheck/pcch_03.jsp?page_id=3

*** 2008. 09. 29

** 명의 도용 방지 서비스

- M-Safer : 본인명의로 이동전화가 신규 개통된 사실을 SMS(문자메시지)로 알려주며 인터넷으로 명의도용 여부를 확인, 이동전화 불법개통에 의한 피해를 차단하는 무료서비스.

- 명의도용방지 신청을 하면 이동전화 신규가입 시 문자메시지(SMS)로 기 개통된 이용자 명의의 휴대폰으로 ‘고객님 명의로 휴대폰이 개통되었습니다.’ 는 내용을 문자메시지를 통하여 알려주게 되며, e-mail로 개통사실을 알려주게 된다.

- 기존의 휴대폰 이용자 및 휴대폰을 사용하지 않는 사람도 M-Safer에서 무료로 제공하는 휴대폰가입현황 조회 서비스를 이용하면, 자신의 휴대폰 개통 사실을 확인함으로써 명의가 도용당하고 있는지 여부를 확인할 수 있다.

- 휴대폰 안심서비스 : 현재 모든 이동통신사에서 본인명의로 가입되어 있는 휴대폰 현황을 알려주며, 아울러 본인명의 휴대폰 개통시 개통사실에 대해 E-mail 서비스로 안내를 받아 명의도용을 사전에 예방하는 서비스

- URL : http://www.msafer.or.kr/

*** 2008. 09. 24

** 개인 정보 클린 캠페인

- 방송통신위원회와 한국정보보호진흥원은 장기간 사용하지 않았거나 본인이 직접 가입하지 않은 것으로 의심되는 웹사이트 계정에 대하여 안전하고 간편하게 탈퇴 할 수 있는 서비스를 제공하여 인터넷상에 불필요한 개인정보가 노출되는 것을 예방하고자 2008년 09월 24일 부터 한 달간 캠페인을 실시한다고 하네요. ^ ^

- 이용 방법

1. http://p-clean.kisa.or.kr/ (p-clean.kisa.or.kr) 접속

2. i-PIN을 이용해 참여자 본인 여부 확인 (i-PIN 없는 참여자는 캠페인 메인페이지에서 발급 가능)

3. 본인 확인을 인증받고, 과거에 가입했던 웹사이트 목록 열람

4. 탈퇴를 원하는 웹사이트 선택 탈퇴 신청

5. KISA에서 해당 웹사이트에 탈퇴처리 요청 및 처리결과 메일 발송

p.s) 탈퇴 신청 후 처리 결과 확인까지는 약 4주 정도 소요 예상.

- URL : http://p-clean.kisa.or.kr/

windows XP 부팅 순서

** windows XP 부팅 순서

1. The system is powered up, the video is initialized, and the hardware self-tests are performed. The BIOS performs these tests, which are called POSTs (power-on self tests). Usually, the memory test is the most visible one; its progress is shown on most computer screens.

2. After running POST, the system initializes each adapter. If the adapter has its own built-in BIOS, the adapter's BIOS is called to perform its own initialization. For IDE adapters (most computers have either two or four IDE adapters), each connected drive(there may be up to two drives for each IDE adapter, allowing for a total maximum of eight IDE type drives) is queried for its specifications and access method.

Some adapters, such as Adaptec's SCSI adapters, display messages and allow the user to interact. Some adapters that don't have a BIOS aren't initialized until Windows XP loads their drivers much later in the boot-up process.

3. After all the adapters that have a BIOS have been initialized, the system boot loader reads in the sector located at the very beginning of the first bootable disk drive and passes commands to this code. This sector is called the boot sector, or the MBR(Master Boot Record), and it is written by the operating system when the operating system is installed.

4. The code in the MBR then loads the NTLDR file. (This file has no extension, thoughit is an executable file.) Once loaded, the MBR passes control to the code in NTLDR.

5. NTLDR then switches into 32-bit mode. (Remember, an Intel x86 processor always boots into 16-bit real mode.) It then loads a special copy of the necessary file systemI/O files and reads in the file boot.ini.

6. The file boot.ini has information about each operating system that can be loaded. Remember, Windows XP supports multiboot configurations. It is trivial to create a Windows XP installation that can boot Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows 95 or Windows 98. The boot loader can even boot two different copies of Windows XP with either the same or different version numbers. NTLDR then processes boot.ini, displaying boot information that allows the user to select which operating system will be loaded. At this point, let's assume that Windows XP will be loaded.

7. When you select Windows XP to be loaded, NTLDR loads the file ntdetect.com. This program then collects information about the currently installed hardware and saves this information for the registry. Most of this information is stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.

8. Once NTDETECT has detected the hardware, control is passed back to NTLDR, and the boot process continues. At this point, the registry has been substantially updated with the current hardware configuration, which is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware.

9. The prompt to select the configuration is then presented. This prompt, "Press spacebar now to invoke Hardware Profile/Last Known Good menu," allows you to force Windows XP to use a specific configuration as stored in the registry hiveHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

10. Following the detection of NTDETECT, NTLDR loads and initializes the Windows NT kernel, loads the services, and then starts Windows.

11. When the kernel is loaded, the HAL is also loaded. (The HAL—Hardware Abstraction Layer—is used to manage hardware services.) Next, the registry system subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\_System is loaded into memory. Windows XP scans the registry for all drivers with a start value of zero. This includes those drivers that should be loaded and initialized at boot time.

12. You can see the beginning of the next stage, kernel initialization. The screen switches to a blue background, and you see a message about the Windows XP build number and the number of system processors. Again, the system scans the registry and finds all drivers that must be started at the kernel initialization stage.

13. From this point, Windows XP starts various components and systems. Each component and system reads the registry and performs various tasks and functions. In the final stage, the program that manages the user logon, WinLogon, starts. WinLogon allows the user to log on and use Windows XP.



- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/default.aspx Microsoft TechNet

- http://windowssecrets.com/ Windows Secrets

- http://nfodb.com/ NFOs DataBase

- http://www.nfohump.com/ nfohump

- http://www.securityfocus.com/ securityfocus

- http://www.securityfocus.com/blogs securityfocus blogs

- http://www.cert.org/ cert

- http://www.krcert.or.kr/ krcert

- http://www.phrack.org/ phrack

- http://web.textfiles.com/ textfiles

- http://www.lopht.com/ lopht

- http://packetstormsecurity.org/ packetstorm

- http://www.grc.com/ grc

- http://www.2600.com/ 2600

- http://www.nmrc.org/ nmrc

- http://www.kevinmitnick.com/ kevinmitnick

- http://ftp2.de.freebsd.org/pub/misc/www.rootshell.com/ rootshell

- http://www.foundstone.com/ foundstone

- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources-free-tools.asp foundstone tools

- http://slashdot.org/ Slashdot

- http://www.c2.com/ WikiWikiWeb

- http://www.cetus-links.org/ Cetus Links

- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb842062.aspx Sysinternals

- http://www.somarsoft.com/ somarsoft

- http://www.anticode.com/ anticode

- http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp networksolutions

- http://www.krnic.or.kr/ krnic

- http://domain.nida.or.kr/ krnic

- http://www.freebsd.org/ freeebsd

- http://www.redhat.com/ redhat

- http://nmap.org/ nmap

- http://cryptome.info/0001/nsa-ip-update14.htm cryptome

- http://httpd.apache.org/ apache

- http://www.w3schools.com/ w3 schools

- spellcheck


[BOOK] 머리 좋은 사람이 돈 못버는 이유 - by 사카모토 게이치

** 머리 좋은 사람이 돈 못버는 이유 ★★☆☆☆

- 성공이냐 실패냐를 좌우하는 열쇠는 무엇을 하느냐 하는 WHAT보다는 어떻게 하는냐 하는 HOW에 달려 있다.

- 비즈니스 세계에선 A와 B 둘 중 어느 것이나 정답이 될 수 있다. 어떤 것을 선택하든 성공만 하면 정답이 되는 것이 비즈니스다.

- 물리학에서는 어떤 현상을 일으키는 데 필요한 에너지의 최소치를 임계 수치라 한다. 임계 수치를 뛰어넘지 않으면 아무것도 아닌 것이다.

- 비즈니스 세계에서 움직임을 멈추는 것은 곧 죽음을 의미한다.

- 세밑 : 한 해의 마지막 때

- 연말연시 : 한 해의 마지막 때와 새해의 첫머리

- 유예 : 망설임. 일의 실행을 뒤로 미룸

- 제행무상 : 우주 만물은 항상 유전하여 한 모양으로 머물러 있지 않다.

- 유전[流轉] : 흘러 떠돌아다님

- 자신이 옳다고 믿는 것도 세상의 많은 가치관 가운데 하나에 불과하다는 것을 가능한 한 빨리 깨달아야 한다.

- 최대한 생각하여 더이상 구체적일 수 없을 정도로 완벽한 이미지를 머릿속에 그려낸 후에 행동으로 옮긴다.

- 편견에 휘둘리지 말고 현실을 직시해 모든 가능성을 생각하고, 그 중 어떤 것이 옳은지 무엇이 최선인지 자신의 머리로 생각하라.

- 전략 : 전쟁 목적을 이루려는 온갖 꾀와 방침. 정치, 경제 따위 사회적 활동이나 투쟁에 있어서의 기본 방침.

- 전술 : 전투나 작전을 지휘, 수행하는 기술과 방법. 정치, 경제 등의 사회적 활동이나 투쟁을 위한 기본적인 방법.

- 상식과 고정 관념이 머릿속을 스치면, 그 순간 생각이 멈춰버리는 것이 인간이다.

- 결정하는 것이 목적인 회의라면 구성원은 세 명인 경우가 가장 이상적이고, 많아도 다섯 명을 넘지 않아야 한다.

- 보고를 위한 회의일 경우에는 관계자를 모두 불러서 단시간에 발표하고 끝내는 것이 좋다.

- 인맥은 적은 것이 좋고, 정말 신뢰할 수 있는 소수의 사람과 제대로된 인간 관계를 쌓는 것이 좋다.

- 교양을 쌓는 진정한 의미는 시간과 노력의 낭비를 줄이고 미래를 생각하는 데 에너지를 집중시키기 위해서 다양한 분야에 대한 일정 수준의 지식을 갖고 있는 것이 필요하기 때문이다.

- 어불성설[語不成說] : 말이 조금도 사리에 맞지 않음.

- 생각하는 작업은 인사이드 작업이고, 조사하는 것은 아웃사이드 작업이다.

- 성공에 필요한 것은 창조력이고, 상상력이며 생각하는 힘이다.

- 창업주들은 예외 없이 이상하다 싶을 정도로 강한 집념을 갖고 있다.

- 한 번의 실패로 자신의 인생까지 부정하는 것은 어리석은 짓이다. 하지만 실패를 무서워해서 위험을 무릅쓰지 않는 것은 더 어리석은 짓이다.

- 대개는 위험을 제거하는 작업에 시간과 에너지를 다 써버리고 그 다음으로 나가보지도 못하고 끝내고 만다.

- 색즉시공 공즉시색[色卽是空 空卽是色] : 세상에 존재하는 형태를 갖춘 모든 것은 영원히 존재할 수 없다.

- 함수는 과거의 정리에만 한정해 사용해야 한다. 그것으로 미래의 답을 이끌어낼수는 없다.

- 하나에만 매달리는 것은 매우 위험하다. 특히 영업을 할 때 팔리는 것만 생각하다 보면, 물건이 잘 팔리는 동안에는 만족감과 충실감이 있기 때문에 거기에 잘못이 있을지도 모른다는 생각은 꿈에도 하지 못한다.

- 한 해의 매상이 다음 해 이후에도 누적되어가는 비즈니스 모델이 이상적이다.

- 캐시플로(cash flow) : 일정한 기간 동안 기업에 유출입되는 자금

- 돈벌이든, 연애든, 사회 공헌이든 그 밖에 무엇이 되었든 간에 일을 성사시키기 위한 첫째 조건은 목적을 확실히 하는 것이다.

- 일 잘하는 사람은 큰 조직을 이끌 수 없다.

- 하나의 가치관으로 통일된 조직의 경우, 피라미드의 정점에 서는 사람이 그 집단 내의 강자여야 모임을 안정적으로 유지해갈 수 있다.

- 여러 가치관으로 조직된 경우, 통일된 조직의 경우와는 다르게, 각 집단 리더를 아우러는 능력을 가진 사람이 리더가 되어야 한다.

- 메타 리더들의 중요한 공통점은 부하의 공적과 자신의 공적을 구별해 생각하지 않는다는 것이다.

- 메타 리더는 리더가 무리 없이 일을 할 수 있도록 하는 윤활유 같은 존재여야 한다.


씨익^ ^

** 씨익^ ^

[출처 : http://www.kbs.co.kr/2tv/enter/sponge/ ]


친고죄, 반의사불벌죄, 비친고죄의 개념

** 친고죄, 반의사불벌죄, 비친고죄의 개념

- 친고죄(親告罪) : 피해자의 고소가 있어야 공소를 제기할 수 있는 범죄. 즉, 고소가 있어야만 수사기관이 수사를 개시하고, 수사중이라도 중간에 고소를 취하하면 더 이상 죄를 묻지 아니하고 사건이 중단되는 죄.

- 반의사불벌죄(反意思不罰罪) : 피해자의 고소가 없어도 수사기관이 수사해서 재판을 받게 하는 등 처벌할 수 있는 죄이지만, 그 과정에서 저작권자가 처벌을 원치 않는다는 의사표시를 표명할 경우 처벌을 하지 못하는 죄.

- 비친고죄(非親告罪) : 피해자의 고소 없이도, 즉 피해자의 의사와 관계없이 처벌할 수 있는 죄.


[PI] Genie Mail Backup v8.0.245.426

** Genie Mail Backup

- With the ever-growing importance of your, e-mails you send and receive and the data saved on your PC, you need more than a simple e-mail backup software to keep your e-mails, settings, and files backed up and protected.

- Genie Mail Backup provides you with the data protection you and your business need through a straightforward wizard-based interface, delivering better data management and increased data availability.

- Genie Mail Backup is a very easy to use yet powerful and flexible software that can backup and restore Outlook 2000-2007, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows settings, files, and more to virtually any local or remote location, including internal and external hard disks, FTP locations, across network, optical media, removable media, USB memory sticks, REV Disks, as well as Ajax-based offsite (online) backup.

- With its Windows Vista Compatibility, Genie Mail Backup is your reliable backup software that ensures rock-solid security using the U.S. government-certified Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and grants you higher performance with its built-in Open file backup agent, and better accessibility with the option to search, extract, and view backed up items without the need to restore data. Moreover, now with Genie Mail Backup you can pause or even snooze scheduled backups with a click of a mouse, and enjoy an improved connectivity with auto resume feature and amazing speed.

- By combining Genie Outlook Backup and Outlook Express Backup in one product, Genie Mail Backup provides a quicker-to-use, lower-cost, and easier-to-manage solution, offering superior performance and more powerful features.

- URL : http://www.genie-soft.com/products/geniemail/default.html


[PI] JExpress_Professional_v7.1.0

** JExpress_Professional

- The JExpress Updater reconnects to your site on demand or every time your Java product starts up, whichever you decide, and verifies all the customers' files are up to date. JExpress Updater downloads only the new or modified classes and data files without user intervention. The process is fast if the customer's system is up-to-date and rarely requires your valuable time.

- If the update process is interrupted before it completes, your customers can continue to use your application without worry. JExpress does not update the local files until it has successfully downloaded all the new or modified files. This important step helps prevent partial updates which leave your application in an unusable state. Creating an auto-updater is as simple as clicking a radio button in a dialog box. But, you have the option of enhancing your updater with Java to do anything you'd like.

- URL : http://denova.com/JExpress/features.html

[PI] CoffeeCup.Visual.Site.Designer.v5.71

** CoffeeCup.Visual.Site.Designer

- CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer is a WYSIWYG Website Creator and Editor that helps you make Web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge.

- Just drag and drop images or text on the page until you like what you see, and then upload to your Website.

- VisualSite Designer comes with over 70 Web Page Templates to start you off and you can make Websites with multiple pages, text-fields, graphics, animations and more. Create pages with your own images or use the built-in button and background creators to make every step a breeze.

[PI] SmartSerialMail v4.2.2

** SmartSerialMail

- SmartSerialMail allows you to send e-mails automatically to a large number of recipients.

- E-mails can be sent using up to 64 connections simultaneously, which allows an optimal usage of your internet connection. Each mail is sent individually to its recipient, so that only his name appears in the To: section of the mail header. Import your recipients lists from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Text/CSV-Filesor or different kinds of databases.

- SmartSerialMail supports plain text and html email. All mail and recipient groups can be saved in the SmartSerialMail database, which allows easy and effective working with a large number of recipients. The new user interface is easy to use and assists you in the necessary steps in sending serial mails.

- URL : http://www.jam-software.com

[PI] NI DIAdem v10.2.1

** NI DIAdem

- National Instruments DIAdem is software for managing, analyzing, and reporting data collected during data acquisition and/or generated during simulations.

- NI DIAdem is designed to meet the demands of today's testing environments, for which quick access to large volumes of scattered data, consistent reporting, and data visualization are required to make informed decisions.

- The DIAdem DataFinder, which is optimized for managing data from multiple sources and different formats, helps you correlate data based on its descriptive attributes -- functionality previously reserved for only those with a customized data management system.

- URL : http://www.ni.com/

[PI] MyCheckBook Premier Edition v7.0.1.0

** MyCheckBook Premier Edition

- MyCheckBook helps you keep track of your financial transactions by allowing you to create checking, savings, credit card, and other account records to help you maintain balances and record your transactions.

- URL : http://www.avanquest.com/

[PI] MindMapper Pro v6.0.0.1828

** MindMapper Pro

- Seeing is believing. Now is the time to start visualizing your thoughts and ideas and organizing them into practical, real world applications. MindMapper is more than just tapping into your creative juices; it's understanding the way you think and maximizing it to your advantage. MindMapper allows you to think freely, without the restrictions of unnatural linear formatting and outlining structures commonly found in software. Consider it organization for the unorganized mind.

- Using an integrated mapping format, MindMapper empowers you to capture ideas as they come to you, improving thought processes and providing a fast and easy method for multi-person collaboration. Additionally, MindMapper has a two-way file association system for transferring maps into Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, email and hand-held devices, so you can turn creative ideas into deliverables for production or analysis. Or you can stay within your MindMapper program and deliver a presentation of your mind map and even create a detailed schedule including time and resources used. Getting your message across has now become even easier!

- With enhanced individual and group communication processes, you can clearly see the difference in speed and efficiency

- URL : http://www.mindmapper.com

[PI] MemoryMoon.v1.3

** MemoryMoon

- Memorymoon is inspired by the classic synthesizers. The sound is powerful. It has 6 voicecards with 3 oscillators, noise oscillator, amp and 2 filters. Settings above 5V in the mixer introduces overdrive.

- Features include: 6 voice unison. Osc sync. Many envelope curves. Graphic envelopes. Arpeggiator and trancegate. Hold function. LFO, Voice-LFO, and Delay-time can be synced to host clock or to tapped tempo. You can tap tempo with a sustainpedal or with a button.

- There is "voice-card drift" settings for tune, amp, filter cutoff and pulse width. So each voice-card can sound slightly different. It is also possible to play soundfonts and drum-loops in wav-format. This is intended for live performance.

- URL : http://memorymoon.com/index.html

[PI] AutoPlay Menu Builder v5.3.1218

** AutoPlay Menu Builder

- AutoPlay Menu Builder is one of the best tools for creating an automatic playing menu to launch your cd or dvd. No programming experience is necessary! Just click and drag your mouse a few times, and like magic you can build a menu which will pop up when your disc is inserted into the drive. From the menu you can launch applications, open documents, play movies, and do much, much more. This is the simple, elegant solution to your disc creation needs.

[PI] Aurora Web Editor 2008 Professional v3.1.0.0

** Aurora Web Editor 2008 Professional

- Make your website look professional using the included templates and over 100 royalty-free graphics and photos!

- The Aurora Web Editor is 2 Editors in 1!

- The Visual Editor: Create websites quickly and easily - just like when you use a word processor! Unlike some other Web site creation software, you don't need to learn to code HTML!

- The visual editing environment (WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get) displays your website the way it will look once online. Adding text, pictures and links is a breeze. You can even drag items around the screen to resize and position them exactly how you want.

- The Code Editor: For those Web developers who prefer to code webpages manually, the Aurora Web Editor offers a rich HTML coding environment.

- Runs on: Windows Vista, XP, Media Center, 2000

- URL : http://www.aurorawebeditor.com/index.html

[PI] Apple QuickTime Pro v7.3.0.70

** Apple QuickTime Pro

- At it's simplest, QuickTime is software that allows Mac and Windows users to play back audio and video on their computers. But taking a deeper look, QuickTime is many things: a file format, an environment for media authoring and a suite of applications.

- URL : http://www.apple.com/quicktime/

[PI] Hyperionics.HyperSnap.v6.21.02

** Hyperionics.HyperSnap

- HyperSnap 6 is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen and text capture from places where system text copy is not possible. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility - wrapped into one easy-to-use tool.

- HyperSnap is perfect for capturing images and texts that you want to include in your Help system, online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, Web pages, emails and more. Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.

- URL : http://www.hyperionics.com/

[PI] Dameware NT Utilities v6.6.2.1

** Dameware NT Utilities

- DameWare NT Utilities: The Ultimate Enterprise System Management Software for Windows DameWare NT Utilities is an enterprise system management application for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 which provides an integrated collection of Microsoft Windows NT administration utilities incorporating a centralized interface for remote management of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Servers and Workstations.

- All of the standard Windows NT/2000/2003 Server and Windows NT/2000/XP Workstation utilities are included, along with many DameWare NT Utilities custom NT tools including Mini Remote Control and Exporter.

- Most of the standard utilities have been drastically enhanced for superior performance, added functionality and ease of use.

- DameWare NT Utilities contains an Active Directory Browser view for Active Directory implementations as well as a dynamic Network Browser view which will display Microsoft Windows Network domains in a network explorer tree view. Active Directory Sites can easily be added or removed from the Active Directory site list. Windows NT domains can be added to the Favorite Domains section of the Network Browser view. Domain controllers, servers and workstations, as well as non-browsable machines, can be specified by machine name or IP address and added to the network explorer tree view.

- DameWare NT Utilities includes a Mini Remote Control for fast and easy deployment and an Exporter to quickly extract information from remote NT/2000/XP/2003 machines.


[PI] Evermap.AutoSplit.Pro.v2.4.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoSplit.Pro.v2.4.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- Do you need to split PDF documents into multiple files? Do you need to merge multiple files in one? Extract embedded files (attachments) from PDF Packages and documents? Break a PDF document into pieces based on bookmarks? Extract ranges of pages into multiple PDF documents? Split documents at pages with matching text? Extract pages that contain specific keywords or text patterns? Split PDF document at blank pages? Find and extract pages that contain specific PDF elements as forms, images and etc? Apply security settings and watermarks to the output PDF files? Update links and bookmarks in the output to point to correct locations?Process multiple PDF documents using Acrobat's batch sequences? Do you want software that works in familiar Adobe Acrobat environment?

- Look no further, this product is complete solution for you.

[PI] Evermap.AutoRedact.v1.5.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoRedact.v1.5.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoRedact plug-in is an add-on to Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Professional software that provides a complete set of tools and operations for redacting various types of information from PDF documents.

- AutoRedact is a "true redacting" solution that deletes sensitive text, annotations, text form fields, vector graphics, and image information from PDF documents making them completely safe for distribution.

- The software contains many powerful operations and tools that increase productivity and provide powerful methods for automated document redacting and multi-user redacting workflows.

- Batch processing features allow redacting of many documents at once without human intervention and can significantly simplify redacting workflow by combining several processing steps into a single one.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/autoredact.asp

[PI] Evermap.AutoPagex.v1.7.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoPagex.v1.7.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoPagex is an advanced plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Professional software.

- It is designed to automate many tasks related to page management and content editing. The software provides functionality to move pages within a document, divide pages into multiple ones, duplicate pages, change page size, insert and delete blank pages, repeat page content into number of rows and columns, flatten form fields, and reverse page order in the document.

- AutoPagex plug-in offers special features for manipulating of page content such as fitting to margins, scaling, aligning, shifting and rotating. All page content such as text, images, graphics, annotations can be easily manipulated using these powerful tools.

- Detailed page statistics such as word, page and annotation counts can be computed for one or more PDF documents at once. The plug-in features powerful and intuitive user interface that is easy to use for power users as well as for beginners.

- Acrobat's batch processing framework is supported (available only in Adobe Acrobat Professional). AutoPagex plug-in exposes many useful commands that can be used in Acrobat's batch sequences to enhance a document processing workflow.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/autopage.asp

[PI] Evermap.AutoMassSecure.v1.0.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoMassSecure.v1.0.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoMassSecure is a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat software for securing batches of PDF files with individual, randomly generated passwords.

- The plug-in allows the restricting of document access rights such as printing or editing and protects each input PDF files with random password(s).

- The plug-in functionality is seamlessly integrated with Adobe Acrobat application as a menu selection.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/automasssecure.asp

[PI] Evermap.AutoMailMerge.v1.1.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoMailMerge.v1.1.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoMailMerge is an advanced plug-in for Adobe Acrobat software for performing mail merge processing.

- Mailmerge is a computer term describing the production of multiple (and potentially large numbers of) documents from a single template form and a structured data source. This technique is used to create personalized letters, documents, bills and pre-addressed envelopesor mailing labels for mass mailings (or documentcreation) from a database of names and addresses.

- You use mail merge when you want to create a set of documents that are essentially the same but where each document contains unique elements. Creating each letter, message, bill, statement, fax, label, envelope, or coupon individually would take hours. That's where mail merge comes in.

- Using mail merge, all you have to do is create one PDF document that contains the information that is the same in each version. Then you just add some fillable form fields for the information that is unique to each version.

- The plug-in uses PDF form as a template and takes input from a variety of data sources to fill form fields and generate documents.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/automailmerge.asp

[PI] Evermap.AutoBookmark.v2.2.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoBookmark.v2.2.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoBookmark is an advanced plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Professional software. The software is designed to create, edit and maintain all navigational elements of PDF documents: bookmarks, links and named destinations.

- The plug-in helps to quickly add bookmarks, links and named destinations across one or more PDF documents making them easier to navigate.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/autobookmark.asp


[PI] Evermap.AutoBatch.v1.3.for.Adobe.Acrobat

** Evermap.AutoBatch.v1.3.for.Adobe.Acrobat

- AutoBatch is an advanced plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Professional software.

- AutoBatch adds a command-line batch file functionality to the Adobe Acrobat Professional. It allows users to execute any existing Acrobat batch sequence from a command-line prompt or a batch file. The plug-in provides easy to use interface for creating batch files that does not require any type of programming. The desired batch file is created automatically based on user selection of an existing batch sequence and a required action. The resulting batch file can be started from a command prompt and automatically launches Adobe Acrobat Professional that immediately starts executing a specified batch sequence.

- Adobe Acrobat Professional automatically exits once processing is completed. Auto Batch plug-inadds a missing functionality to the Acrobat software -ability to process PDF documents in the completely automatic mode.

- Acrobat batch sequences are a great way to automate many routine document handling tasks. You can apply sequence to a single document, to several documents, or to an entire collection of documents. However, Acrobat requires a human interaction in order to execute any batch processing sequence. AutoBatch comes very handy when you need to further automate your document processing workflow and/or link it into a bigger file or document processing system. Batch sequences can be now easily launched from outside of Adobe Acrobat Professional without any kind of programming or even typing.

- URL : http://www.evermap.com/autobatch.asp


[PI] McAfee IntruShield Manager v4.1.3.7

** McAfee IntruShield Manager

- When it comes to securing your network, point products aren't the most efficient or the most accurate option. For intelligent, comprehensive enterprise-level protection for every network-connected devices, rely on McAfee IntruShield. Our high-performance, award-winning network IPS appliance efficiently integrates risk and threat knowledge. The result? Real-time, actionable security.

- URL : http://www.mcafee.com

[PI] Nitro PDF Professional v5.2.0.5

** Nitro PDF Professional

- Nitro PDF Professional is a high-quality, affordable PDF creation and editing application that puts the full power of PDF within everyone's reach. In addition to providing the basics - powerful, robust PDF creation at an extremely affordable price - Nitro PDF Professional includes the full range of top-shelf PDF functionality, opening up new vistas for current and new users of PDF.

- URL : http://www.nitropdf.com/professional/overview.htm

[PI] DocuLex Search Desktop v7.50.7517.1

** DocuLex Search Desktop

- DocuLex offers you the option to define the ArchiveStudio based upon your specific needs.

- DocuLex fulfills the desire for a simple yet productive means of converting paper documents to searchable electronic files along with a secure easy method for retrieval and printing. The electronic files may be easily located by searching document-specific descriptions or a combination of key words contained in the document. Files may be stored in standard Microsoft folders, on any storage media, with names that are meaningful to your filing process along with image file names that accurately describe the scanned document.

- DocuLex ensures the confidence required to retrieve the desired information, when it's needed.

- All DocuLex software products are easy to use for the document-imaging beginner, while flexible for the experienced user. DocuLex programs are of a Windows based, open-system format, and compatible with most major brand production scanners and multifunctional copiers/printers.

- URL : http://www.doculex.com/

[PI] LightCrafts LightZone v3.2.9289

** LightCrafts LightZone

- LightZone fully embraces fearless visual experimentation. LightZone provides a unique visual approach to digital photo editing, allowing you to focus on what you want to do with your photos, not how you do it. All operations are live and have an immediate effect upon which you can make new editing decisions. No more guess work. The software allows you to enhance photos in a simple and natural way, without the steep learning-curve found in many other software programs.

- URL : http://www.lightcrafts.com/


[PI] Chart for Windows Forms Professional Edition v6.0.0.1720 for VS7

** Chart for Windows Forms Professional Edition for VS7

- Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Professional Edition is loaded with features, and this extensive functionality combined with incredible design-time support allows for the fast and easy creation of sensational looking charts that have the exact look and feel that you require.

- URL : http://www.dundas.com

[PI] Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise Edition v6.0.0.1720 for VS7

** Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise Edition for VS7

- Software Developers looking to integrate advanced, intelligent charting into their Client Side .NET applications need look no further. Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise Edition is the pinnacle of thick-client Charting Products available.

- Full featured with unsurpassed Data Analysis/Data Manipulation abilities, the Enterprise Edition extends upon the features of the Professional Edition, and can analyze and make sense of any data you give it.

- Automatically apply formulas like rolling averages, trends, or advanced statistical analysis to your data, handle empty and missing data, or apply filtering or grouping with ease. The Enterprise Edition can take your raw data and do the work for you!

- URL : http://www.dundas.com

[PI] Chart for OLAP Services For ASP.NET v6.0.0.1721 for VS8

** Chart for OLAP Services For ASP.NET for VS8

- Dundas OLAP Services lets you take full advantage of the new features within SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services.

- Use it to extend the Enterprise Editions of Dundas Chart for .NET and begin analyzing and charting OLAP data in a matter of seconds with just a few lines of code. Version 5.5 also includes the much-anticipated grid control and a new toolbar for added end-user control. The built-in AJAX features offer improved performance and usability with the inclusion of on-demand loading, the elimination of post-backs and more.

- Easy-to-use, point-and-click user interfaces allow users to build new data queries and immediately chart the results, graphically and numerically, with simple drag-and-drop operations.

- URL : http://www.dundas.com

[PI] Chart for ASP.NET Professional Edition v6.0.0.1720 for VS7

** Chart for ASP.NET Professional Edition for VS7

- Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Professional Edition offers numerous features, comprehensive sample material and incredible design-time support for the fast and easy creation of sensational looking charts that have the exact look and feel that you require.

- URL : http://www.dundas.com

[PI] Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise Edition v6.0.0.1720 for VS7

** Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise Edition for VS7

- Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise Edition is the pinnacle of ASP.NET Charting Solutions available today. Our industry leading charting technology offers you unsurpassed Features, Data Analysis/Data Manipulation abilities, Performance, Samples and much more. Make an informed choice like many Fortune 500 companies across the globe, and standardize on Dundas Chart for .NET Enterprise technology for your important charting needs.

- URL : http://www.dundas.com


[PI] PVII.Typemasters.CSS.Page.Pack.v1.29.For.Dreamweaver

** PVII.Typemasters.CSS.Page.Pack.v1.29.For.Dreamweaver

- Viewed from any angle, TYPEMASTERS is all about design that is clean, simple, open, airy, and simply elegant. It's also about practicality, usability, and pages that adapt seamlessly to display screens of all sizes.

- Requirements: Dreamweaver


[PI] Paragon.Partition.Manager.Professional.v8.5

** Paragon.Partition.Manager.Professional

- Every PC owner sooner or later meets a task of hard disk management. An optimum allocation of disk resources is the key point to manage data and operating systems on your computer effectively. Paragon's award winning Partition Manager provides easy and reliable hard drive partitioning and full-range hard disk management. It enables to create, copy, resize and move hard drive partitions. This full function tool is suitable for home and professional use. Partition Manager helps you to:

- Enhance computer performance, convert operating systems, defragment partitions, optimize your hard disk partitions cluster size.

- Resize, move, hide, merge, restore and convert partitions without data loss.

- Recover lost or deleted partitions; fix crashed operating system with bootable Recovery CD.

- Copy partitions and whole hard drives adopting their size to target partition.

[PI] Spy Emergency 2007 v4.0.345.0

** Spy Emergency 2007

- Spy Emergency is an antispyware, antimalware, antispam software that quickly and securely removes spyware and other Internet infections, including spyware, adware, malware, home-page hijackers, remote administration tools, dialers, and keyloggers.

[PI] iTripoli AdminScriptEditor Enterprise Edition v 3.1.2798.23998

** iTripoli AdminScriptEditor Enterprise Edition

- ASE is a professional script editor like no other. Designed exclusively for Windows administrators.

- ASE offers a wide range of professional features and tools found no place else!

- Package your scripts as secure executables. Point and click to create advanced scripting code for working with databases, Active Directory, XML files and WMI. Create graphical interfaces for your scripts with our exclusive form designer. The list goes on and on!

- URL : http://www.adminscripteditor.com

[PI] Disk Doctors Undelete v1.0

** Disk Doctors Undelete

- Disk Doctor's Undelete is The World's Most Reliable and Fastest Undelete Software. It features an extremely easy interface and powerful functions that allows users to recover deleted and lost data. The software works with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. It recovers data from hard drives, flash drives, USB drives, ZIP, SD Cards, MMC, and Firewire drives.

- URL : http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery PST v2.0.1

** Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery PST

- Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery (.pst) is a robust and a powerful Microsoft Outlook recovery tool. The main features supports recovery of (.pst) files of Microsoft Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007.

- http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery v1.0.1

** Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery

- Use Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery software to recover data from NTFS, NTFS5, drives as well as it supports recovery from dynamic drives created on NT/2000/XP/2003 platforms.

- URL : http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors Instant File Recovery v1.0.1

** Disk Doctors Instant File Recovery

- Disk Doctors Instant File Recovery will instantly recover deleted files emptied from Recycle Bin, or lost due to accidental formatting or re-partitioning of a hard drive, viruses, and unexpected system or software malfunction.

- URL : http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors FAT Data Recovery v1.0.1

** Disk Doctors FAT Data Recovery

- Use Disk Doctors FAT Data Recovery software to recover data from FAT16, FAT32, drives as well as it supports recovery from the FAT partitions created on any other OS supporting FAT file system.

- URL : http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors Email Recovery DBX v2.0.1

** Disk Doctors Email Recovery DBX

- Disk Doctor's Email Recovery (.dbx) software is a tool designed for recovering accidentally deleted Outlook Express e-mail messages from any "dbx / mbx" archive or to repair damaged *.dbx files where Outlook Express stores folders containing email messages.

- URL : http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Disk Doctors Digital MEdia Recovery v1.0

** Disk Doctors Digital MEdia Recovery

- Disk Doctor's Digital Media Recovery is comprehensive recovery software for any Digital Media. It features an extremely easy interface and powerful functions that allows users to recover deleted and lost photos, music and video files. The software works with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and it's very easy to use

- http://www.diskdoctors.net/

[PI] Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer v1.0.1

** Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer

- Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer work not only by unlinking a file but also specifically overwriting them with garbage data. For very high security installations, overwiting the file several times is advised. Many government institutions have specific disk wiping standards for file deletion. Particularly, the U.S. DoD specification 5220.22 standard says a file must be overwritten three times.

- http://www.diskdoctors.net

[PI] Corel iGrafx Enterprise v12.1.1.941

** Corel iGrafx Enterprise

- iGrafx is an integrated software suite that will unify your process improvement teams through the most user-friendly, collaborative environment available for modeling, analyzing and improving business processes.

- Whether you are a small company creating process flowcharts, or a multinational organization desiring regulatory compliance, business activity alignment with IT, or large scale Six Sigma or Lean initiatives, iGrafx products can grow with you and ensure your success.

- URL : http://www.igrafx.com

[PI] Right Reason Technologies RightCourse v1.2.3.28500

** Right Reason Technologies RightCourse

- Using RightCourse you can incorporate all of the information you have already gathered in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations and import it into a format that will allow you to track all of your trainees' progress.

- What's more, RightCourse will also allow you to create a new training completely from scratch! Whatever information you have, RightCourse will help you share it. You can create a training and even quiz your trainees to assess their understanding. By using RightCourse, your organization can leverage its existing resources to help all of your employees develop to their fullest potential. Knowledge is essential to an organization, but it is only useful if it can be shared with everyone in your team. Let RightCourse help your organization with all of it's course development needs.


[info] 보조사 '-는/-도/-만'의 의미

* 보조사 '-는/-도/-만'의 의미

- 춘향이는 춤을 잘 춘다. -> 다른 사람은 모르겠지만 춘향이는 춤을 잘 춘다.
- 춘향이도 춤을 잘 춘다. -> 다른 사람도 그렇지만 춘향이도 춤을 잘 춘다.
- 춘향이만 춤을 잘 춘다. -> 다른 사람은 그렇지 않지만 춘향이만 춤을 잘 춘다.

* 좋은 문형 익히는 방법

- 서점에 가서 유명 작가의 단편소설이나 수필을 찾아 읽어보고, 막히지 않고 술술 잘 읽히는 글을 찾아 그 글의 작가가 누군지 확인하고, 그 작가가 쓴 책은 모조리 찾아 100일동안 읽기 반복한다.

[tip] 스파이웨어 설치증상 및 해결 방법

** 스파이웨어 설치 증상

- 모니터 화면 깜박임 현상이 일어날 때.

- 브라우즈에 새로운 툴바가 설치 될 때.

- 설명할 수 없는 디스크 활동이 일어날 때.

- 시스템이 느려졌다고 느껴질 때.

- 시스템 자원이 줄어들었을 때.

- 시작 페이지가 바꼈을 때.

- 바라지 않는 광고가 나타날 때.

* 해결책

- SpywareGuide : http://www.spywareguide.com/

- SpywareInfo : http://www.spywareinfo.com/

- Spybot Search & Destroy : http://www.safer-networking.org/

- browser hijacker : http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/programs.php

- No! Flash : http://www.bbshare.com/


[BOOK] Cleaning Windows Xp For Dummies by Allen Wyatt

** Cleaning Windows Xp For Dummies by Allen Wyatt

* Microsoft Tweak UI(Windows XP Professional version) : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/downloads/powertoys.asp

* Microsoft Tweak UI(Windows XP Home Edition version) : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/home/downloads/powertoys.asp

* 클리닝 스케줄

- 당장해야 할 일

1. 휴지통 비우기
2. 불필요한 이메일 메시지 제거
3. 사용하지않는 프로그램 삭제
4. 웹 캐시 삭제
5. 쿠키 삭제

- 주일에 한 번씩 해야 할 일

1. 템프러리(temporary) 파일 삭제
2. 백업 작성
3. 루트(root) 디렉토리 정리

- 매달 확인해야 할 일

1. 데스트탑(desktop) 아이콘 정리
2. 프로젝트 데이터 압축
3. 스파이웨어 제거
4. 시작 파일 정리
5. 하드드라이브 최적화

- 매년 확인해야 할 일

1. 설치된 데이터 파일, 압축 파일 다시 확인하기
2. 웹 브라우저 즐겨찾기, 더 이상 필요하지 않는 아이템 삭제
3. 시스템 하드웨어 드라이버 업데이트
4. 보안 예방, 업데이트 확인하기
5. 프로그램 업데이트

* 프로그램 추가/삭제 관련 Third-party software
- http://www.aladdinsys.com/win/springcleaning/ (Spring Cleaning)
- http://www.ursoftware.com/ (Your Uninstaller)

* 현재 디렉토리에서 temp 이름을 가진 모든 리스트 출력 : dir temp.* /ad /s /b

* 임시파일 인식 문자
1. .tmp 확장자
2. ~(tilde)로 시작되는 문자
3. 길이 0(zero)문자
4. .old 확장자
5. .bak 확장자

* DISK 클린업 체크
1. 임시 윈도우즈 파일
2. 임시 인터넷 파일
3. 임시 프로그램 파일
4. 다운된 프로그램 파일
5. 휴지통
6. 설치 로그 파일

* 최적 익스플로러 캐시 용량 :

- 일반 : 75MB

- 최적 : 35~40MB

[xp] When you start running low on disk space, Windows XP gets nervous and warns you about the situation

** When you start running low on disk space, Windows XP gets nervous and warns you about the situation :

- When you have only about 200MB of free disk space, a message lets you know. This message appears once during each Windows session.

- When you have only about 80MB of free disk space, a similar message is displayed, appearing once every four hours — up to two times per Windows session.

- When you have only about 50MB of free disk space, a message appears every five minutes.

- When you have only about 10MB of free disk space, Windows automatically calls up your local computer store and orders a new hard drive. The drive is installed by elves while you’re asleep.


[PI] Respect.Soft.Weather.Clock.v3.4

** Respect.Soft.Weather.Clock

- This streamlined, feature-packed clock utility offers lots of useful information at a glance.

- Though it gives the standard digital display, a handful of skins give this application a bit of flair. Weather Clock presents you with an enlarged digital display clock along with the date, current temperature, and weather conditions of a user-specified location.

- Fortunately, you can select what is displayed in case you don't want to give up tray space. A calendar is easily accessible with a quick right-click of the program's display in the system tray.

- Alarms accompanied by pop-up messages and your favorite audio files can be set to launch files, applications, or to shut down operations. In addition, a snooze feature and synchronization with atomic clock servers are a definite plus.

- URL : http://www.respectsoft.com/

[PI] Quick Licence Manager

** Quick Licence Manager

- Quick License Manager is an easy to use license manager that creates professional and secure license keys to protect your software against piracy.

- Features :

* Easy to use user interface
* Evaluation / Trial license keys that expire after a set duration or on a specific date
* Computer bound license keys to protect your software from being installed on multiple machines.
* Protects .NET, C++, COM, VB6, Delphi, Excel, MS-Access applications
* Supports Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP
* Unlocks up to 8 features associated your with application
* .NET user control for easy integration with your application
* Software subscriptions that expire at a given date and are renewable
* Samples are provided in most languages
* Help forum and support by us when you need it

- URL : http://www.interactive-studios.net/

[PI] Clipboard Box v3.6

** Clipboard Box

- Clipboard Box will drastically increase the power, capability and functioning of your clipboard activity. Now you have a clean tool that will be very helpful to you while using the most regularly used function i.e. copy paste.

- With simplicity as its key feature this tool is enhanced with the featureto save up to 100 clips instead of one likely in the regular Windows. The tool has a very easy to comprehend interface so that one is quite aware of what and where the copy paste activity is to be done. The tool has the ability to save any text or images, can save and load almost anything, one can also set own options, provides the power to paste items with use of hotkeys, option to resize window and automatic hiding of window as soon as it reaches to the edge of the screen are the other features that make this tool more attractive.

- This tool that proves to be a must have for Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers any many more professional best fits on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003 and NT.


[PI] Web.Page.Maker.v2.5

** Web.Page.Maker

- Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page editor that allows you to create and upload web pages in minutes without knowing HTML.

- Simply drag and drop objects onto the page and position them freely in the layout. It comes with several pre-designed templates that help you to get started.

- It also includes ready-to-use navigation bars that can be inserted into the page.

- Additional features include built-in color picker, Java script library, image library and built-in FTP client.

- URL : http://www.webpage-maker.com/


[PI] xmlBluePrint v5.0.1026

** xmlBluePrint

- xmlBlueprint is an award-winning XML Editor for only US $119.00. It is easy to learn, very fast, and it has many high-quality XML development features, only found in high-priced competitors.

- xmlBlueprint's unique context sensitive XML Completion will help you create valid XML Documents, DTDs, Relax NG Schemas, XML Schemas and XSLT Stylesheets in no time.

- You can run XSLT transformations and preview the transformation result in the built-in output window.

[PI] Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite v9.1.1050d

** Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite

- Stylus Studio 2008 XML Enterprise Suite is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE) consisting of hundreds of powerful XML tools in one all-inclusive suite, and high-performance Java components for deploying data integration applications.

- Stylus Studio 2008 adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Stylus Studio as the premier XML IDE. Stylus Studio's best-in-class features for working with XML, XQuery, XML Pipeline, XSLT, XSL:FO, EDI, XML Schema/DTD, XPath, SQL/XML, XHTML, XML mapping, XML publishing, Web services set a new benchmark for XML productivity.


[PI] RAXSO Drive Magic v5.00.10.07

** RAXSO Drive Magic

- The process of sanitizing a drive means overwriting each unused track several times to erase the data that was previously there. This applies to the free drive space only - Drive Magic will never harm your existing files like so many others.

- Drive Magic also now contains 4 Patent-Pending sanitation methods which also include our exclusive drive reconditioning process - only Drive Magic offers you a truly safe and secure way to sanitize a drive that is in use.

- Our state of the art sanitation processes will also recondition the unused free drive space and cap off remaining sectors - this helps extend the life of the device.

- URL : http://www.raxso.com

[PI] RAXSO Columbus v5.00.10.07

** RAXSO Columbus

- Raxso Columbus is a software that helps you to search and find files or text.

- Access your files fast with this state of the art file and text finder. It's so accurate it will find virtually any file from any drive or folder, including multiple drives, a custom list of folders, or any combination there of.

- With multi-composite logical text searching or just straight keyword searching you'll be able to find what you're looking for in a snap. With full integration into the Windows shell, a complete set of file commands, and a bunch of extras like printing, exporting and full project support you'll wonder how you ever got along with out it.

- URL : http://www.raxso.com

[PI] Raxco.PerfectDisk.Professional.v8.0.67

** Raxco.PerfectDisk.Professional

- PerfectDisk Version 8.0, the world's most popular and thoroug disk defragmentation solution, combines speed, thoroughness flexibility, control and ease-of-use to help improve PC and server performance. Global enterprises benefit from faster computers through regular, automated, unattended defragmentation with PerfectDisk. Certified by Microsoft for Windows, PerfectDisk is designed for today's largest disk drives. With PerfectDisk's Command Center management console, complete management and control is at the administrator's fingertips. If you are serious about disk defragmentation, optimization, and free space consolidation, you'll find PerfectDisk meets your high demands and requirements.



- PC Analyzer Pro helps you fix a PC that will not boot to Hard Drive or If you want to surf the Internet anonymously.

- It will give you a complete Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS file system support.

- Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no OS, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan and so on.

[PI] RoverSoft RGenerateClassTool v1.0.0.1

** RoverSoft RGenerateClassTool

- RGenerateClassTool is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. We would like to give you some approach for creating application architecture founded the allocation of separate class and appointed sql-objects raw for every logical substance.

- URL : http://www.roversoft.dp.ua/

[PI] GetDataBack for NTFS v3.30

** GetDataBack for NTFS

- Recover your files when the data is no longer accessible due to formatting, fdisk, virus attack, power or software failure. Get everything back even when the drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is lost or corrupt.

- URL : http://www.runtime.org

[PI] RAID Reconstructor v3.31

** RAID Reconstructor

- Recover data from a broken RAID Level 5 or RAID Level 0 Array. Even if you do not know the RAID parameters, such as drive order and block size, RAID Reconstructor will analyze your drives and determine the correct values. You will then be able to create a copy of the reconstructed RAID in an image file or on a physical drive.

- URL : http://www.runtime.org

[PI] DiskExplorer for NTFS v3.31

** DiskExplorer for NTFS

- This unique disk editor gives you low-level access to your hard drive. Switch between several views, such as hex, text, directory, MFT entries, partition table, boot record..

- URL : http://www.runtime.org

[PI] DiskExplorer for FAT v3.31

** DiskExplorer for FAT

- With this powerful disk editor you can inspect your drive in greater detail. It lets you go directly to the partition table, boot record, FAT or root directory as well as jump to a certain sector etc..

- URL : http://www.runtime.org


[PI] SpeedCommander v12.00 for U3 compatible USB sticks

** SpeedCommander

- SpeedCommander is a comfortable file manager. It builds on the proven two window technology and offers a multitude of exclusive features. Sort, copy, move or deleteyour files either using the keyboard or the mouse.

[Proven Two Window Technology]

- SpeedCommander displays files and folders in the proven two window technology - sourceand target of operations are therefore always visible. This ensures a higher productivitycompared to Windows Explorer and an extremely fast navigation through files, folders andFTP sites.

- SpeedCommander offers you many options for copying and moving files. Besides the usual deletion SpeedCommander has a secure deletion compliant to governmental standards. With the integrated Quick View SpeedCommander shows you the content of many file formats. Pictures, videos or music files - SpeedCommander gives you a fast overview for everykind of files. FileSync synchronizes folders, FileSearch finds files and folders on alldata mediums.

[Extensive Archive Support]

- SpeedCommander makes handling compressed files easy, because they are treated like ordinary folders. Experience direct support for many archive formats as well as compressing and decompressing them without the need for further software. Compression profiles can sum up settings and self-extracting archives make additional software superfluous. Recovery data offers protection against damaged archives.

[Add-In Interface]

- SpeedCommander has a modern Add-In interface, so that additional plugins can be used, enhancing the original functionality. SpeedCommander communicates with the Add-In viathe component object model (COM). An Add-In can add functionality in the menu or the toolbars.

- The Add-Ins also have full access to SpeedCommander's object model. They canopen and alter folder windows, as well access their content. Add further file systems via the interface for file system Add-Ins into SpeedCommander. Use the WinCeFS Add-In to access PDA devices with ActiveSync. The WfxWrapper Add-Inintegrates the many file system plugins from Total Commander (wfx).


- Simple tasks can be automated with macros. Macros can use the different objects of SpeedCommander too, also all script capable components (e.g. several shell objects) can be included. Edit macros easily with the integrated macro editor and check them for possible errors with a script debugger (like Visual Studio).

[Enhanced FTP Functions]

- SpeedCommander supports various FTP types like FTP via SSH (SFTP) and SSL encrypted FTP. The user just needs to choose a protocol, everything else is done by Speedcommander in a transparent way. The support for proxies was expanded noticeably. SpeedCommander supports Socks 4/4a/5 and HTTP connections. The user can choose to compress directory listing and file transfers with MODE Z. Band width limiting keeps your line responsive, if required.

- URL : http://www.speedproject.com

[PI] System Suite v8.0 Professional

** System Suite

- The Ultimate, All-in-One Suite for PC Security, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Maintenance & Privacy! Get powerful protection and performance enhancement with System Suite's integrated suiteof 60 powerful tools designed to maintain and protect your PC, and keep it running

[Benefits of System Suite 8 Professional]

- 60+ Powerful Tools to Maintain & Protect Your PC
- Virus & Spyware Protection-PC Diagnostics & Maintenance
- Data Recovery Tools restore your non-booting PC and recover deleted files and data.
- DiskCleaner and DiskFixer can help you regain wasted disk space and repair problems on the drive's surface.
- JETDefrag, the high performance disk defragmenter, gives you a powerful and time-saving tool that reorganizes your hard drive.
- NEW! NetDefense Firewall is the ultimate defense against hackers and spammers.
- NEW! System Optimizer
- NEW! WebDefense identifies and blocks malicious websites preventing Phishing and fraud scams.
- NEW! File Shredder protects yourself from identity theft by securely erasing sensitive data.

- URL : http://www.v-com.com/


[PI] Purebasic v4.10

** Purebasic

- PureBasic is a programming language based on established BASIC rules. The key features of PureBasic are portability (Windows, AmigaOS and Linux are currently fully supported), the production of very fast and highly optimized executables and, of course, the very simple BASIC syntax.

- PureBasic has been created for the beginner and expert alike. We have put a lot of effort into its realization to produce a fast, reliable and system friendly language.

- URL : http://www.purebasic.com/

[PI] Duplicate.File.Remover.v1.3.375

** Duplicate.File.Remover

- Duplicate File Remover is a powerful tool to locate file duplicates on your computer (dedupe).

-It scans the computer and lists duplicate files based on Byte for Byte Comparison, which ensures 100% accuracy.

- It can find duplicates of any files: text, binary, music, video or images. For multimedia files (MP3, OGG/Vorbis, WMA), the contents of the following tags can also be analyzed: "Artist", "Album", "Title" and "Comment". The file Summary property can also be searched: title, subject, category, and author. Duplicate files can be deleted, hard-linked, moved, or copied. The list of duplicate files can be sorted, exported to an HTML report, and acted upon.

- You may not realize how many duplicate files you have on your computer, after numerous downloads from the Internet, or scattered over your home or corporate network.

- Duplicate files are in most cases redundant and unnecessary, so keeping them is merely a waste of hard disk space. Your hard drives may be full of extra copies of documents, MP3s, photos and videos waiting to be removed. Duplicate File Remover will help you reclaim valuable disk

[PI] EDGE Diagrammer v5.09.1845

** EDGE Diagrammer

- EDGE Diagrammer is our most versatile diagramming tool. Create a wide variety of technical, presentation, and design diagrams efficiently and with the highest quality results.

- EDGE Diagrammer is all you need for block diagrams, flow charts, org charts, family trees, data flow diagrams and more. Free extension packs are available to provide support for many different diagramming methodologies.

- EDGE Diagrammer is the one-product solution for your diagramming needs.

- URL : http://www.pacestar.com/

[PI] ProxyCap v3.04

** ProxyCap

- ProxyCap enables you to tunnel Internet applications through HTTP, SOCKS v4, and SOCKS v5 Proxy Servers.

- URL : http://www.google.com/

[PI] RonyaSoft ProPoster v2.02.03

** RonyaSoft ProPoster

- ProPoster is software for big banner printing, sign printing, poster printing, mural printing, wall photo printing. ProPoster does not require special plotters, it simply prints on standard printers. Any picture, digital photo, Microsoft Word document, Excel spreadsheet can be used as a source for the multipage poster. Also, it is possible to print a poster from a scanner.

- URL : http://www.ronyasoft.com

[PI] Salfeld Child Control 2007 v9.612.1.0

** Salfeld Child Control 2007

- Child Control 2007 The parental control for PC and Internet, time limits, Internet content control, block folders...

[PI] Serv-U.FTP.Server.v6.4.0.5

** Serv-U.FTP.Server

- The latest version of the industry's most popular file transfer server has been released! Serv-U 6.4 adds support for Windows User NT-SAM/Active Directory that makes administering large servers easier and more efficient.

- URL : http://www.serv-u.com/

[PI] PHPMaker v5.0.1.0

** PHPMaker

- PHPMaker is an automation tool (for Windows) that can generate a full set of PHP scripts quickly from MySQL database. Using the generated PHP, users can view, edit, search, add and delete records in the database easily on the Web.

- With the Quick Generate Wizard, you can generate your web site instantly with only a few clicks of the mouse. Clean and straightforward codes which are easy-to-customize. This useful tool can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced PHP develpers alike.

[PI] PHP Report Maker v1.0.0.8

** PHP Report Maker

- PHP Report Maker is a powerful reporting tool that can generate dynamic PHP Web reports from MySQL database. You can instantly create live detail and summary reports or crosstabs reports for your Websites. Basic Flash charting (Column, Bar, Line or Pie charts) is also supported.

- The generated Web pages are pure PHP, no server-side or client-side components are required. PHP Report Maker is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate the reports that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean and easy-to-customize. PHP Report Maker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike.

[PI] PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0.0

** PHP Designer 2008 Professional

- PHP Designer 2008 is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PHP for both beginner- and prof. developers.

- PHP Designer 2008 is designed to boost your productivy and enhance the process of editing, debugging, analyzing and publishing application- and websites powered by PHP, HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, Java, C#, Perl, Python and Ruby!

- The intuitive development environment makes it also the perfect IDE for beginners by providing code-tips and contextual help with access to more then 3000 functions on the fly.

- The development environment is also ideal for LAMP and AJAX developers by using the built-in code-libraries and the Intelligent Highlighter that gives you the ability to automatic separate different web-languages in the same document.


[PI] Engineers Toolset v9.2

** Engineers Toolset

- Engineer's Toolset contains software applications ranging from configuration management, bandwidth and network performance monitoring to award-winning discovery and fault management tools.

- http://www.solarwinds.com


[PI] Abyssmedia.Quick.Batch.File.Compiler.v3.0.0.4

** Abyssmedia.Quick.Batch.File.Compiler

- Quick Batch File Compiler convert your batch files into actual program (.EXE format) in one click. This program may be run on Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista without any limitations. An .EXE file is much harder to casually reverse-engineer, so this could be a way to conceal a particular batch file's operations from an end user. Content of your batch file will be encrypted and protected from changes.

- URL : http://www.abyssmedia.com/quickbfc/index.shtml

[PI] Intel Math Kernel Library Cluster Edition.v9.1.021

** Intel Math Kernel Library Cluster Edition

- Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) offers high optimized, extensively threaded math routines for scientific, engineering, and financial applications that require maximum performance.

- URL : http://www.intel.com

[PI] BreakPoint Hex Workshop v5.0.2.2769

** BreakPoint Hex Workshop

- The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is a set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced binary editing with the ease and flexibility of a word processor.

- With Hex Workshop you can edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete hex, print customizable hex dumps, and export to RTF or HTML for publishing. Additionally, you can find, replace, compare, add smart bookmarks, and generate character distributions within a sector or file.

- Hex Workshop supports drag-and-drop and is integrated with the Windows operating system so you can quickly and easily hex edit from your most frequently used workspaces. The Data Inspector is perfect for interpreting, viewing, and editing decimal and binary values. An Integrated Structure Viewer allows you to view and edit data in the most intuitive and convenient way.


[PI] SYSTAT v12.02


[SYSTAT has every statistical procedure you need]

- SYSTAT is a powerful statistical software that has every statistical procedure you need to carry out efficient statistical analysis of your data. It provides you with features from the most elementary descriptive statistics to very advanced statistical methodology based on sophisticated algorithms. If you are a novice statistical user, you can work with its friendly and simple menu-dialog. If you are astatistically-savvy user, you might prefer to use its intuitive command language, and analyze your data swiftly and with ease. In either case, you can exploit its staggering range of powerful techniques to analyze many types of data to answer many types of questions. You can carry out very comprehensive analysis of univariate and multivariate data based on linear, general linear, and mixed linear models. You can carry out different types of robust regression analysis when your data are notsuitable for conventional multiple regression analysis. You can also compute partial least-squares regression. You can design experiments, carry out power analysis, do probability calculations on a whole lot of distributions and fit them to data. You can perform matrix computations. Anything else you may need---Time Series, Survival Analysis, Response Surface Optimization, Spatial Statistics, Test Item Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Classification and Regression Trees, Correspondence Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Conjoint Analysis, Quality Analysis, Path Analysis, etc., etc.---SYSTAT has them all.

[SYSTAT's Monte Carlo module helps you accomplish your simulation tasks]

- You can use the powerful Mersenne-Twister random number generator for your bootstrap and simulation tasks. You can exploit SYSTAT's random number generator from as many as 43 univariate and multivariate, discrete and continuous distributions for your Monte Carlo exercises. When the distributions are more complicated, use Rejection Sampling and Adaptive Rejection Sampling to draw random samples. For your complex Bayesian computations, suitably adapt SYSTAT's generic Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures like various types of Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs Sampling features to draw random samples and to carry outMonte Carlo integration thereof.

[SYSTAT can produce for you attractive graphs quickly and conveniently]

- SYSTAT offers a large variety of scientific and technical graphing types and a great deal of interactivity to help you produce just the right type of graph and customize it to accompany your analysis. Use the Interactive Graphics Dialog to change multiple aspects of your graphics using a single integrated dialog. Compare subgroups, overlay charts, transform coordinates, add geographic projections, change colors, symbols, and more, to create insightful presentations. Change graph locations, point-and-click to alter axis labels, scales, colors and symbols. Create unique graphs that bring out the important features in your data with advanced chart options including normal and kernel densities, multiplots, maps, Voronoi tessellations, function plots, contours, scatterplot matrices with 20 diagonal density choices and 126 nonparametric smoothing options, just to name a few. Speed up your analysis by rotating your 3-D graphs to visually determine the perfect power or log transformation to normalize your data using the Dynamic Explorer. Present visually useful and attractive summary of large data using hexagonal binning.

[With SYSTAT, you need less effort to get meaningful results]

- Save time and effort with SYSTAT's informative Startpage. Work with itsclear, comprehensive dialogs or with its interactive, intuitive, and easy-to-learn command language. You can work faster combining these two modes with the interlinked Command Line Interface and Menu-Dialog. Save time and effort with the Autocomplete facility. Ease your way through analyses with theme menus, customizable menus, and toolbars. Get more flexible output with longer variable names. Speed up your analysis using data and variable tabs. Save useful data file and variable information in the data file itself. Quickly navigate through detailed results usingthe browser-style Output Organizer. Instantly visualize your result swith automatically produced Quick Graphs. Run the same analysis with ease on different data sets using token variables and command templates. Use the command log to track and report your statistical methodology. Produce publication-quality output and graphs.

[You can customize almost any aspect of SYSTAT]

- You can reorganize almost any aspect of SYSTAT to suit your style of work and your needs. You can customize various elements of its interface. You can customize menu and toolbars to make often-used items immediately accessible. You can choose the appearance of your output in respect of fonts, width, spacing, style, etc. You can make your graphs look as you want them to in respect of color, background, pattern, surface style, line style, symbol style, and label style. You cancustomize commandspace, output organizer, keyboard shortcuts, actions of buttons, etc.

- SYSTAT gives you a variety of help to make your work smooth and easy Innumerable items of Help make the job of understanding and running SYSTAT much easier, faster, and error-free. They are available at your fingertips or at the click of the mouse. Some of them are: Tip of the Day, Bubble Help, F1 Help, Tooltips, Index, Glossary, Expanded StatusBar Help, Recent Files on Start Page, Theme Menus, Examples tab, Autocomplete, Acronym Expansions, Online Tutorial. Furthermore, there are about 600 examples available online with their command files and annotated data files, for you to study and emulate. And there are over 4300 pages of the manual available as online pdf files and in printed form.

[PI] Smart Keystroke Recorder Pro v3.1

** Smart Keystroke Recorder Pro

- Smart Keystroke Recorder Features

- Superior stealth keylogger - A very powerful Internet Spy software, it secretly records absolutely every keystroke entered on your computer, retaining all key information even in the event of an abnormal shutdown. The PRO version incorporates visual surveillance techniques that allow you to set the quality and time period of the screenshots it takes like a surveillance camera.

- Easy to use and compact - Easy to use and install, it is designed for all levels of users. Low on system requirements, it does not slow your computer down.

- Monitors Internet activity - An invisible keylogger, it secretly watches Internet activity and logs every web-site visited.

- http://www.smartkeystrokerecorder.com

[PI] Tire Power v6.92

** Tire Power

- Tire Power is fully integrated tire business software. Because it is easy to learn and use, every employee will become a company asset with complete and quick-to-find knowledge at their fingertips. Tire Power streamlines every aspect of your operation and allows you to provide unequaled customer service in all phases of your business; which correlates to what matters most ?increased profitability! You have finally found the complete software solution for the tire industry.

- URL : http://tcstirepower.com/


[PI] 3ivx.D4.v4.5.1.Pro

** 3ivx.D4

- 3ivx is an MPEG-4 toolkit that supports MPEG-4 Video, MPEG-4 Audio and the MP4 file format. 3ivx D4 4.5 allows video and audio to be compressed to a fraction of its original size while maintaining high image quality.

- You can store over 2 hours of near DVD quality audio and video on a single CD-ROM or stream near DVD quality video over a cable modem or DSL modem.

- The Pro edition is for professionals who want to prepare and distribute MPEG-4 Audio and Video for commercial display on or via the web. The Pro edition includes 6 seperate filters.

- URL : http://www.3ivx.com/

[PI] ZipRecover v3.10

** ZipRecover

- ZipRecover is a file recovery software to recover corrupted or broken zip archive files. It can scan the zip file and recover the data as much as possible, so to minimize theloss in file corruption. ZipRecover uses a unique SmartScan technology from WinRecovery Software that quickly diagnoses the situation and analyzes every byte on the zip file to ensure all recoverable data will be retrieved.

- URL : http://www.ziprecover.com/

[PI] RARLab WinRAR v3.6.2.1 for U3

** RARLab WinRAR

- WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, the powerful archiver and archive manager.

- URL : http://rarlab.com/

[PI] Macecraft jv16 PowerTools 2007 v1.7.0.422

** Macecraft jv16 PowerTools 2007

- jv16 PowerTools is a full Windows optimization and tuneup utility suite which keeps your computer up and running.

* Clean Windows registry
* Uninstall software
* Optimize Windows
* Improve your privacy
* Automatic backup feature
* Multilingual user interface

- URL : http://www.macecraft.com


[PI] VirIT.eXplorer.Lite.v6.2.46

** VirIT.eXplorer.Lite

- VirIT eXplorer Lite is an AntiVirus for Windows. Scans your computer for virus, worm, trojan, backdoor, dialer, BHO (Browser Helper Object), spyware, adware, malware software.

[VirIT eXplorer can Scan & Clean:]

* Virus
* Worm
* Trojan
* Backdoor
* Dialer
* SpyWare
* AdWare
* Hijacker
* BHO Browser Helper Object
* Malware

- Clean your computerof viruses, spyware, worm, Trojan, backdoor, dialer, BHO (Browser Helper Object), adware, hijacker, malware software.

- VirIT eXplorer Lite will incorporate heuristic virus scanning engine of virus detection and can detect a large percentage of new and unknown viruses that have not yet been analyzed by antivirus researchers of C.R.A.V.

[PI] TuneUp Utilities 2008 v7.0.7992

** TuneUp Utilities 2008

- Professional assistance for your Windows PC

- Improve your system's performance, thoroughly clean up your hard drives, solve your PC problems with a few clicks, and customize windows to your personal requirements. All in one program, simple and intuitive - TuneUp Utilities 2008.

[10 fundamental reasons for using TuneUp Utilities 2008:]

* Powerful hard drive defragmentation
* Optimum start-up, Internet, and Windows acceleration
* Quick and extensive clean-up for hard drives
* Effective elimination of junk data
* Fully-automatic clean-up and improvement of your PC
* Extensive clean-up of the registry
* Effective help in solving standard Windows problems
* Secure data recovery and data elimination
* Simple custom Windows configuration
* Individual Windows styling

- URL : http://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/

[PI] Trojan Remover 6.6.5 Build 2509

** Trojan Remover

- Trojan Remover was written to aid in the removal of Trojan Horses and Internet Worms when standard anti-virus software has either failed to detect the problem or is unable to effectively eliminate it.

- Trojan Remover has been written for Windows 95/98/Millennium/XP/Server 2003. It has been successfully used by Windows 2000 users, although this platform has not been officially tested.

- The majority of Virus and Trojan Scanners are well able to detect malicious Trojan Horses and Internet Worms but are not always very efficient in removing them once they have been triggered.

- Trojan Remover was written specifically to carry out such a removal without the user having to manually edit system files, including the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Trojans carry out which are ignored by other Virus and Trojan Scanners.

- URL : http://www.simplysup.com/

[PI] Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager v11.0.1000.1375

** Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager

- Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 combines Symantec AntiVirus with advanced threat prevention to deliver unmatched defense against malware for laptops, desktops and servers. It seamlessly integrates essential security technologies in a single agent and management console, increasing protection and helping lower total cost of ownership.

- Symantec Endpoint Protection delivers more than world-class, industry-leading antivirus and antispyware signature-based protection. It also provides advanced threa prevention that protects endpoints from targeted attacks and attacks not seen before. It includes turnkey, proactive technologies that automatically analyze application behaviors and network communications to detect and block suspicious activities, as well as administrative control features that allow you to deny specific device and application activities deemed as high risk for your organization. You can even block specific actions based on the location of the user.

- Symantec Endpoint Protection is easy to implement and deploy. Symantec provides a range of consulting, technical education, and support services that guide organizations through themigration, deployment, and management of the solution and help them realize the full value of their investment. For organizations that want to outsource security monitoring and management, Symantec also offers Managed Security Services to deliver real-time security protection.

- URL : http://www.symantec.com

[PI] Symantec Client Firewall Administrator v8.6.0.0

** Symantec Client Firewall Administrator

- Symantec Client Security helps keep client systems safe by providing comprehensive and proactive protection against malware with vulnerability-based detection. Integrated graphical reporting and simplified management of multiple, integrated security technologies allow organizations to maintain control of client systems, minimize productivity disruptions, and enhance client security.

- URL : http://www.symantec.com

[PI] Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition v1.0.2-75

** Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition

- Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.1 combines industry-leading, real-time malware protection for enterprise workstations and network servers with graphical Web-based reporting and centralized management and administration capabilities.

- The solution automatically detects and repairs the effects of Spyware, adware, viruses, and other malicious intrusions to enable enterprise-wide system uptime.

- URL : http://www.symantec.com

[PI] Spyware.Doctor.v5.0.5.258

** Spyware.Doctor

- Spyware Doctor has been downloaded over 100 Million times; with a million more downloads every week. Millions of people worldwide use Spyware Doctor to protect their identity and PC security.

- Spyware Doctor has consistently been awarded Editors' Choice, by leading PC magazines and testing laboratories around the world, including United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and Australia. All current versions of Spyware Doctor have won Editors' Choice awards from PC Magazine in United States. In addition, after leading the market in 2005, Spyware Doctor was awarded the prestigious Best of the Year at the end of 2005.

- Spyware Doctor continues to be awarded the highest honors by many of the worlds leading PC publications such as PC Pro, PC Plus, PC Authority, PC Utilities, PC Advisor, PC Choice, Microdatorn, PC Answers Magazine plus number of reputable 5-star ratings including CNET's Download.com and Tucows.

Note : If you are choosing Anti-Spyware make sure you choose one that is proven and has genuine awards from one or more world leading research labs such a PC Magazine, PC World, CNET, PC Pro Magazine, PC Authority, PC Answers and other trusted labs. More importantly do not use ratings from unknown review websites, as often these are designed to mislead you into purchase of affiliated, inferior or rogue product.

[Detects, removes and blocks all types of Spyware]

- Did you know that numerous programs tested against Spyware Doctor detected only small fraction of Spyware and completely removed an even smaller amount? Also most of them were unable to effectively block Spyware in real time from being installed on users PC in the first place.

- Spyware Doctor has the most advanced update feature that continually improves its Spyware fighting capabilities on daily basis. As Spyware gets more complex to avoid detection by AntiSpyware programs Spyware Doctor responds with new technology to stay one step ahead.

[Easiest to Use]

- Spyware Doctor is advanced technology designed specially for people, not experts. That is one reason why it won the People's Choice Award in 2005 and 2006. It is automatically configured out of the box to give you optimal protection with limited interaction so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection.

- Spyware Doctor's advanced OnGuard technology only alerts users on a true Spyware detection. This is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings. Such messages can be confusing and lead to undesirable outcomes such as inoperable programs, lost favorites or even Spyware being allowed to install on the system. We've done the research so you don't have to.

- URL : http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/