
[PI] Chart for OLAP Services For ASP.NET v6.0.0.1721 for VS8

** Chart for OLAP Services For ASP.NET for VS8

- Dundas OLAP Services lets you take full advantage of the new features within SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services.

- Use it to extend the Enterprise Editions of Dundas Chart for .NET and begin analyzing and charting OLAP data in a matter of seconds with just a few lines of code. Version 5.5 also includes the much-anticipated grid control and a new toolbar for added end-user control. The built-in AJAX features offer improved performance and usability with the inclusion of on-demand loading, the elimination of post-backs and more.

- Easy-to-use, point-and-click user interfaces allow users to build new data queries and immediately chart the results, graphically and numerically, with simple drag-and-drop operations.

- URL : http://www.dundas.com