
리눅스 환경설정 변수

** 리눅스 환경설정 변수

`` Environment Variables

` Platform = Operating System + Processor

` Variable ?

- Location for storing a value

- Referred to with its symbolic name

- The value stored can be displayed, deleted, edited and re-saved

` Environment Variables ?

- Dynamic values

- Exist in every operating system

- Can be created, edited, saved and deleted

- Gives information about the system behavior

- Change the way software/programs behave

- PATH : This variable contains a colon(:)-separated list of directories in which your system looks for executable files.

- USER : The username

- HOME : Default path to the user's home directory

- EDITOR : Path to the program which edits the content of files

- UID : User's unique ID

- TERM : Default terminal emulator

- SHELL : Shell being used by the user

- ENV : displays all the environment variables

` Accessing Variable values

- echo $VARIABLE

` Creating New Variables

- VARIABLENAME = variablevalue

` Deleting Variables


`` Summary

- Environment variables govern behavior of programs in your Operating system.

- echo $VARIABLE : To display value of a variable

- env : Displays all environment variables

- VARIABLE_NAME = variable_value : Create a new variable

- unset <VARIABLENAME> : Remove a variable

- export Variable = value : To set value of an environment variable