Shell Scripting
** Shell Scripting
- Hardware - Kernel - Operating System - Shell - Terminal - User
` Types of Shell
- POSIX shell also known as sh
- Korn Shell also known as sh
- Bourne Again SHell also known as bash
- C shell also known as csh
- Tops C shell also known as tcsh
` What is shell scripting and why do I need it?
- Writing a series of commands
- Combine lengthy and repetitive commands
- This helps reduce the efforts
` Creating a Shell script
1. Create a file using a text editor like vi
2. Name script file with extension .sh
3. Start the script with #! /bin/sh
4. Write some code
5. Save the script file as
6. For executing the script type bash
` Adding shell comments
- # comment
` What are Shell Variables?
variable = "Hi"
echo $variable
#! /bin/sh
echo "What is your name?"
read name
echo "How do you do, $name?"
read remark
echo "I am $remark too!"
`` Summary
- Kernel is the nucleus of the operating systems and it communicates between hardware and software.
- Shell is a program which interprets user commands through CLI like Terminal.
- The Bourne shell and the C shell are the most used shells in Linux.
- Shell scripting is writing a series of command for the shell to execute.
- Shell variables store the value of a string or a number for the shell to read.
- Shell scripting can help you create complex programs containing conditional statements, loops and functions.